6 Dec 2009

POLL: Piers Morgan's vicious attack on GARY NEVILLE - Out of order, or fair comment?

Today, Piers Morgan of The Daily Mail launched a scathing attack on much-loved Manchester United right-back Gary Neville. Was Morgan out of line, or was he merely speaking the truth?

In his column, Morgan said of Neville:

"I absolutely loathe his pinched Mancunian features and his horrifically irritating personality".

Fair comment, or completely out of order? Vote below:

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. Wow seriously don't care. Isn't Piers Morgan an Arsenal fan? And isn't Gary Neville a Man Utd player? This 'story' is nothing to do with Liverpool at all. Unless of course this is another emotive bait topic trying to elicit negative comments from Liverpool fans so you can argue them down using the staple diet of quotes, perceived hypocrisy and no doubt some more stats sprinkled in for good measure. Lads, avoid this one like the plague. It's a set up.

  2. It really amazes me how so many people have absolutely no understanding of irony.  Did you not happen to spot the fact that all the answers in the poll are pro-Morgan's comments?!  Do you not spot the 'much-loved' bit in the first paragraph?!  Can you not grasp that I am highlighting this to have a go at Man U?  is all this completely over your head!?  It's called banter; winding up your rivals.

    Jesus, some people are so humourless it's unreal!

  3. Any anti-Gary Neville article is just fine with me. The man is a complete tool who has said a lot of very offensive things about this club and city. Although i usually find find Piers Morgan just as annoying!!

  4. You've stung by your own petard. Your insistence on 'critical realism' to a point were proportion and objectivity is ignored had led to your readers reacting suspiciously to everything you say. A little bit of balance or an attempt at some form of empathy in your arguments may help however given your default nature and style of writing I doubt that you'll be altering your attitude anytime soon.

  5. Ps: accessing from my iphone and can't see the poll so it appeared to me to be one of your regular bait posts. Like I said, stung by your own petard.

  6. Interesting theory, but...No.  You're just ridiculously stiff and humourless.

  7. Interesting response. No stats to back that up no? Here's a stat for you: 97% of Jamie Kanwar's hilarious posts don't exist.

  8. Piers Morgan is "Arsenal through and through", brought up by his Tottenham supporting father.
    The fact that someone as loathsome as Morgan has such strong negative feelings for Nev is probably a compliment to our skipper. It is far more insulting to have Morgan praise you, surely. He's a complete cock and is even hated by fellow Arsenal fans.

  9. What a coincidence - 'Scott the red' is posting.

    Jamie you are a sad excuse for a human, stop it with your traffic grabbing propaganda

  10. here's another stat, your 100% right.

    Another fact- this will be deleted like any other retort that doesn't agree with Jamie's clear hit orientated agenda.

  11. Haha, Jaimie and Scott the Red posting on the same topic., whoda thunk it...

    What a sad, desperate little man.

    Ps. Jaimie, I mean Scott, got any of those 'without killing anyone' t-shirts left?

    You warped crank.

  12. He's weird isn't he? Proper multiple personality wacko.

  13. C'mon! Even I found it funny! And I'm a man utd fan!

    Keep up the good work Jaimie. 

  14. Ridiculously stiff???!!? Sorry Jamie, you just don't do it for me in that way.

  15. I was wrong - you *do* have a sense of humour after all :-D

  16. to be honest i shouldn't have stopped at gary neville as all mancs r the same, they all talk like they have cocks in thier mouths!!

  17. Lets get it right no one apart from people from Salford likes Rat Boy

  18. Jaimie, desy's right 'empathy' is something you haven't yet grasped. Until you do and stop constantly being on the defensive (all the bloody time) then maybe you won't get so much deserved abuse.. can't see it happening though.

  19. Don't take the Lord's name in vain

  20. Gary Neville has never attempted to con an entire nation by publishing fake photos of war time torture to try and discredit British soldiers, done simply to sell a few more copies of his rag and line his own pockets.

    I think we all know who the real 'horrifically irritating personality' is here.

  21. It still amazes me that nobody ever brings that up. Is there a gagging order or something?

  22. P.S. I love Gary Neville.

  23. Pillock Morgan still picked the useless manc for his RB!

  24. Just nice to see you not moaning about Rafa.

  25. Just nice to see you not moaning about Rafa for once Jamie.

  26. Jamie if your going to use someone else's work at least quote the full text " This is going to hurt, because I absolutely loathe his pinched Mancunian features and his horrifically irritating personality. But for consistency, spirit, determination, pride and fight-to-the-death valour, it has to be Gary Neville. " Nothing that anyone says about Gary Neville can be out of order as they guy "Only good Scouser is a dead Scouser" is absolute scum. But you Jamie your just lazy.

  27. Pierced Organ is an idiot. And so is this thread.

  28. Pierced Organ is an idiot, and this thread is pointless.
