15 Oct 2016

I'm Worried: Legend insists €42m Liverpool-duo will struggle against 'unbelievable' Man Utd star

Jose Mourinho has an array of excellent attacking players at his disposal, but who should Liverpool fear the most?

According to Reds legend Phil Thompson:

"Ibrahimovic is the biggest danger to Liverpool's defence. Him peeling off onto the far post against the likes of Clyne and Milner from set-pieces will be a real area of concern".

Thommo is obviously spot on. Ibrahimovic is a threat any defence in the world, and his height and strength will inevitably cause problems for Liverpool, especially at set-pieces. Additionally, the Swede recently retired from international duty, so he'll be well-rested, and raring to go.

Ibrahimovic may be a Manc (ugh), but he remains one of my favourite players in world football. Last week, United midfielder Ander Herrara outlined one of the main reasons I'm such a huge fan:

"He [Ibra] is unbelievable. He trains every day at his best, trying to get everyone at their highest level. He is very aggressive and demanding but in a good way because he wants everyone with him to win, to keep working. We are very lucky to have Zlatan".

I can identify with this description of Ibrahimovic because this is exactly what I am like. Whether it's 11-a-side, or 5-a-side, I want everyone on the team to have the same indefatigable winning mentality as me, and I'll constantly cajole, encourage, (and moan!) to make it happen. It irritates the hell out of me when players don't take games seriously and/or coast through without 110% effort, and Ibrahimovic clearly demands the same of his team-mates.

I love Ibra's attitude. He is a born winner, with unshakeable confidence in his own ability, and that confidence transmits to those around him, and elevates the team. In my view, Liverpool lack a player with that kind of swagger, charisma, and presence.

* Clyne and Milner: €42m-rated (Combined - CIES Football Observatory)


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