23 Mar 2014

LFC hero insists: Suarez 'should've passed' to 'disappointed' Sterling. Selfish...?

Liverpool striker Luis Suarez grabbed his third hat-trick of the season yesterday to seal Liverpool's 6-3 hammering of Cardiff City, and as he reeled away in delight after scoring the third goal, Raheem Sterling - who busted a gut to join him in the box - looked distinctly unimpressed with the Uruguayan's refusal to square the ball and set-up an easy goal. Should Suarez have passed the ball? Liverpool legend Dietmar Hamann thinks so.

Analysing the game on LFC TV last night, Hamann observed:

"Sterling was pretty disappointed as you saw from his reaction.

"Usually, you should pass it to the one who has the easier chance. Suarez scored, so we'll let him off, but he probably should've passed it".

There is definitely an element of selfishness in Suarez's decision to take the goal himself, but that's perfectly normal. All strikers need that selfish streak, and in this case, Suarez clearly wanted the hat-trick, which he deserved after another top performance.

In my view, the only disappointing thing about the goal was Sterling's reaction. Instead of celebrating the goal, and being happy with the win, he made clear his unhappiness by dramatically putting his hands to his head in frustration, which arguably shows an element of selfishness on his part.

It's not as if Suarez doesn't create goals for others. He set Sturridge up for his goal, and his overall assist rate is excellent. It would've been great if Suarez passed, but after creating the chance for himself out of nothing, he was entitled to take the goal.

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  1. He also said we should have sold Suarez ? ONE MINUTE TO GO TWO GOALS UP on a hat trick -why would he pass ?.

  2. Did sterling pass 2 ibe?10:33 am, March 23, 2014

    The game was won it was 3-5 in the 93rd minute and Suarez had a chance for his hatrick, don't know what all the fuss is about if it was 1-1 the ball would of been passed to Stirling for 1-2 Suarez is not greedy and will show it in his next game when he sets raheem up for another ! Stirling done the same against arsenal for the 5 th goal didn't he when in the exact same position he could of passed it to Jordan ibe !

  3. For Suarez that WAS an easy finish

  4. If it had been the other way round he would have done the same the team need our two strikers to be selfish at times.

  5. Absolutely not. Two goals to the good in the last seconds of the game, on a hat-trick and one on one with the keeper. That gives him every entitlement to shoot in my book. Had the keeper somehow parried then Sterling would've been on hand to tap in. I was a little surprised by his reaction, but it just goes to show how eager everybody is to get amongst the goals, which should be viewed as a positive.

  6. Luis feeds on getting goals and in this case was motivated on getting his hat trick - you could see it the way he took the defender on there was no way he wasn't going to score . He is a b....y goal machine and keeping him has got us to where we are now . Raheem did a great job in getting up to distract keeper and can take credit in that ....... bit of a natural reaction I think as he was late getting on the field and like an unleashed greyhound ! The way we are playing at the moment we all want to score !

  7. I have no problem with Sterling's immediate reaction. Shows how much he wanted to get on the score sheet. Sprinted from halfway to get himself in a better position than Suarez.. Just as long as he forgets and laugh about it later on.
    Against Arsenal, Sterling too could have passed to Sturridge for a tap in but he decided to go for it, and managed to score on the second attempt. I can definitely see Sterling playing as striker in the near future. Perhaps in 3 years or so, once he becomes really clinical with his finishes.

  8. I am a big fan of Hamann but that is a midfielder's answer. Ask Rushie and I think you would get another answer. Suarez is in the form of his life, might finish this season top scorer in Europe and as such, we should be giving him all the goal scoring chances he can get as long as the game is already won.

    For once Jamie and I are on the same page. Sterling should have celebrated instead of complaining about not being passed the ball.

    On current form, and with his finishing ability, its arguable that in the one on one with the goalie, Suarez still had an equal or better probability of scoring than if he had done the cut back to Sterling.

  9. Petulant Sterling!

  10. Hamanngohomemate12:09 pm, March 23, 2014

    I dont know how these "legends" have got time any day you want for their critics towards lfc even when we win. Seriously this is too low and naive, suarez was on his hat trick and he already proved a thousand times he is not selfish at all. Wait do these" legends" want us to win every week 10-0 with a 100% possesion? What a shocker.

  11. Yes I believe he should have passed and felt that as soon as I saw the goal on MOTD on BBC. Yes he created the goal out of nothing and even though I get extreme delight every time I see Suarez score he should have passed. It's rather stating the obvious to say football is a team game therefore the man with the easiest chance to score must be given the ball.
    In the past I have criticised Daniel Sturridge for not passing to the man on so Luis must accept the same. It is understandable that he wanted to register his third hat-trick but in doing so he risked missing. It is seldom he can be criticised for this as he generally acts as a teacher to others so I believe we should forgive him this one lapse.
    Players must always do what's best for the team and not risk failing to take opportunities to score. Liverpool will then be a real team.

  12. Why the hell would he not go for a hat trick when he's in a position like that? Wake up Hamann! Sterling was just manifesting how young he still is. He'll learn. Life's tough.

  13. He scored. end of. I think Sterling was a little frustrated by an earlier situation where Luis lost possession in the box, and Sterling was open - sometimes you can't see everyone, and a chance might be missed. Either way doubt this will have any effect on future games.

    But as far as assists go, how nice were Sturridges backheel for Suarez, and Suarez's nutmeg pass for Sturridge??? Doing things with style!

    Also, Suarez should get some credit for Skrtel's 2nd. He took one player out with his freekick, took a second player out with a kick resulting from the rebound and got a corner. The resulting corner had 9 Cardif men on the field.

  14. Anyway he is on the way to world cup at 19 ! and anxious to impress.
    He is so lucky to be in the same team as SAS ....
    Watch and learn son watch and learn.

  15. i was a little disappointed with Sterling's reaction as well but he is young and will learn. he busted his butt to get there and Suarez looked and found him, Suarez was waiting for the gk to commit either him or sterling and he didn't so Suarez buried it, as he should. What is disappointing is Sterling won't get any recognition when he deserves an assist or something, that run confused and ultimately lead to Suarez being able to slot it home.

  16. All these selfish players and yet somehow we have scored more goals this season than in any other, ever.


  17. Especially when he doesn't take pens. I don't know for sure but I am willing to bet they both took pens. I know Shearer definitely did. Cole must have taken some.

  18. A quick look at Suarez's assists and we can see if he is selfish or not. 11, more than anyone else. Going for your hatrick is fine in a game already won. If we needed that goal to win and he took it himself then maybe we would have another discussion. But it wasn't.

  19. If you look at most of sterlings goals they come from Suarez assists, so he shouldn't begrudge the guy for grabbing a chance of a hat trick and making history by equaling robbie fowlers Pl record of most goals in a season. But its great to see how hungry our attacking players are at this point of the season. The comment of Sturridge and Sterling to bust a gut to get into the box for their chances of scoring is testament of that.

  20. I personally have no problem with Suarez shooting there.

    I just don't understand how people could compliment Suarez for being selfish and then get upset when Sterling also acts selfishly.

    They're both being selfish and it's a good thing as the hunger is there. Does anyone really think that Sterling cares that much about scoring as long as we win?

  21. If Sterling doesn't bust his gut to get there and draw the keepers attention Suarez wouldn't have had quite as easy a time finishing, and I'm sure they both know it. Sterling throws his hands up in frustration, but that's just a gut reaction to having run so hard and not gotten his reward...within about a second he puts his arms down and heads over to celebrate with Suarez. Like some others have said, it's a good thing...everyone's got the hunger to score, you can be sure Sterling's already forgotten about it.

  22. raheem should remember that most of his goals have been created by suarez.

  23. Hamann...spoken like a true defensive player. Anybody who thinks Suarez doesn't share the wealth hasn't been watching this season. Suarez has seen enough of his assists skyed over the crossbar or scuffed wide by over-eager youngsters. He used Sterling to sow one second of doubt in the GK and then clinically got a goal and the hat trick that he deserved. Sterling shows one split second of disappointment, which would be expected by any player in his position, and is slated for being selfish...nonsense. Move along people...nothing to see here...except maybe to see Lallana and Rodriguez sticking a knife into Spurs' chest. I wonder if we could pick both of those guys up over the Summer?

  24. lol liverpoolkop are a bunch of negative pricks , you sure you arent united supporters in disguise.Selfish for not passing.Pft

  25. Incredibly minor issue in my opinion. Same as the Suarez/Sturridge incident against Everton. The players want to score and they are. I'd rather see them fight to score than shirk responsibility on every occasion as they've done in the not so distant past. I see no discernible downside to this unless of course a downside is what you seek.

  26. Looking at your name. Your sigil wouldn't be a three headed Dragon would it?

  27. Maybe...just don't tell anyone I've got a son running around up there on the Wall.

  28. Agreed. Just before the restart after the goal there is a recognition between the two players. I doubt Sterling begrudges it in the slightest now. He had just run a long way that's all.

  29. Gasp! I've heard the theory and there is reason to believe. Three Dragons and three Targs. Hmmm

  30. Hear the one about how Aerys raped Tywin's wife to make Tyrion? Those filthy inbred genes caused the dwarfism, mismatched eyes, and particularly white-blonde hair. And, of course...he dreamt of dragons.

  31. Yeah may also be one of the reasons Tywin hates him so much. I suppose that is part of the draw. All the possible interconnections and hidden webs.

  32. "Filthy inbred genes" hehe

  33. Couldn't agree more, sterling should've celebrated but he's young and the disappointment got the better of him and I'm sure he regrets it. He'll also understand that not only was Suarez on a hat-trick, he's also chasing a few records. On a different note, I loved the desire sturridge showed to get in the box for his goal, real hunger, was good to see. Keep it up lads YNWA

  34. Knobhead like Jamie9:09 pm, March 23, 2014

    Suarez is a disgrace and I agree with Jamie's often asserted opinion last season - he should never play for lIverpool again.

  35. Yep have to agree with JK

  36. I could have sworn Luis passed it to Sterling against City, and look at what happened there.

  37. Suarez is so selfish that he leads the league in assists.

  38. JK siblings talk about our defensive shortcomings instead of Suarez's selfishness. Slightly Suarez obsessed I would say. And not in a good way.

  39. Have I just read an article where Jamie K has actually supported Suarez!!?? Shock Horror!

  40. The issue is not with Suarez scoring but in Raheem's reaction,when the ball is in the back of the net, go and celebrate with you teammates, that's how football should be, had Suarez missed then Raheem would've had a reason to huff and puff

  41. Clinton Max Walker8:11 am, March 24, 2014

    Hamann was no striker after hattricks, so would never understand. One day Sterling will be in a similar position and he will skip the pass too. I'm sure that if Liverpool were 2 goals to the good and Hamann were on a hattrick he'd go for it even if it were his own son making the disappointing 50 yard dash. Sterling was wrong for appearing disappointed, but should be credited for the excellent effort because he put the keeper off thus making it easier for Suarez to choose to shoot.
