4 Feb 2014

'A decision will be made': LFC chase superb £25m CL winner who's 'like Xavi'. Greedy...?

The transfer window only closed a few days ago, but speculation about potential summer deals has already begun, and reports today suggest that Liverpool are tracking German midfielder Toni Kroos, who is also wanted by Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea.

According to the Daily Express today, Kroos is surplus to requirements are Bayern Munich, and Liverpool are monitoring the £25m-rated midfielder's situation.

24-year old Kroos is currently locked in a transfer battle with Bayern, who refuse to increase his salary to £150k a week. The German giants have scrapped transfer talks, and dropped the midfielder to the bench for the club's game over the weekend.

When asked last week about his future, Kroos told German football magazine Kicker:

"I won't rule anything out. There are no further talks [regarding a new contract] scheduled. Sometime in the future a decision will be made".

Over the weekend, Bayern boss Pepe Guardiola also hinted that Kroos could leave. He told reporters:

"He [Kroos] is an important player but things can move fast in football. Here today, gone tomorrow."

Former Germany midfielder Gunter Netzer believes that Kroos has 'overplayed his hand', and he's advised the midfielder to lower his demands. He told reporters:

"There are a few players who cannot be replaced, but he [Kroos] is not one of them. He might be overrating himself with his wage demands, in that they might not reflect his worth to the team. He would be wise to rethink his situation"

This is just another example of the shameless greed that pervades modern football. How can Kroos not be satisfied with £60K a week? Irrespective of what other players earn, he's living the dream and getting paid a sickening amount of money, yet it's apparently not good enough. In my view, not footballer should be paid that much, including Steven Gerrard and Luis Suarez.

Grossly over-pampered and overpraised footballers are so hopelessly out of touch with reality that they genuinely believe that they are worth £150k a week, and fans - as ever, the great enablers - help to perpetuate this lunacy with endless fawning hero worship. It's sickening.

Bayern certainly seem to value Kroos, and in an interview last night with Sueddeutsche Zeitung, sporting director Matthias Sammer claimed that Bayern will not sell Kroos 'prematurely', and suggested he and Thiago Alcantara are comparable to Xavi and Andres Iniesta:

"Kroos is like Xavi. Thiago is more like Iniesta. Sometimes Toni focuses too much on his own performance, but he has the capability to eventually take responsibility for the way the entire team plays."

Well, one thing's for sure: Kroos is not going to get £150k a week at Liverpool, so the idea that the Reds would be interested seems preposterous at this stage.



  1. I like Kroos as a player and would be perfect for Liverpool but no way would i pay over 100k per week for him.
    You are spot on they do live the dream and do earn ridiculous amounts of money and are greedy as hell.

  2. You're sick of overpaid footballers and greed, congratulations so am I and I've banged this drum for 10 years and more. However your sincerity has zero credibility considering you've had a banner advertising the sun newspaper in the past. That is an insult to the 96 and their families

  3. Forget Kroos for the moment and let's examine the Konoplyanka deal.

    This whole transfer deal stinks to high heaven. Conflicting reports on will we / won't we renew our interest this Summer. This only begs the question why a deal isn't already in place since we missed the Jan window?

    Something's amiss...

  4. Won't get anywhere near a player like Kroos if they fail to get top four, which after our disasterous transfer window, i very much doubt.

  5. Dude, just relax and actually hold some faith...

  6. Kroos is a superb player, but I agree whole heartedly that wages in modern day football are crazy you would think these fortunate players would count there blessings and be grateful they never have to worry how to make ends meet. Loyalty in football is a rare thing and still comes at a price with ridiculous wage demands by men with over-inflated egos. We need a defensive midfielder and a Left Back more than the likes of Kroos who in my opinion lacks the work ethic to fill that holding roll.

  7. Let us be realistic. We should have signed players of this caliber last summer but our Manager and transfer board felt it much more important to sign Aspas and Alberto. It will be Exactly like that next summer. We'll see the likes of Kroos and Konoplyanka sign for the Dortmunds, Napoli and Spurs of this World and we'll do with the guy who was second choice behind Matic at Benfica and an overpriced Atletico Madrid reserve. And on that subject, RIP Luis Aragones

  8. Salary caps like the NBA!

  9. That sounds bang on the money. Publicly we'll go for this type of player and Ayre will mess it up and we'll end up with a few 20 year olds who have had 3 good games this season. Having said that, it all depends on champions league qualification and Suarez staying or going.

  10. Obviously wages are insane. No players no game, no fans no money. But, I'm much happier to see a humble Henderson type character pocket their 60K a week than some overpaid pansy on double that, like Neymar or someone.

    A salary cap is interesting but it would no doubt reduce the quality of the league.

  11. New players aside LIVERPOOL'S problem is the coach is too rigid.He should have plan B.Pump the ball upfield when playing teams that are pressing high.

  12. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfbAZ9GCcAAIDWI.png

  13. I just posted an image (which has gone for moderation) of a tweet by James Lippett (Konoplyanka’s agent) which he deleted and said that the player agreed terms, passed his medical and LFC triggered his release clause but the owner of Dnipro refused to sign the paperwork.

    Blame cannot be passed onto Ayre for the deal not happening :-)

  14. I just posted an image (which has gone for moderation) of a tweet by James Lippett (Konoplyanka’s agent) which he removed from his twitter account and said that the player agreed terms, passed his medical and LFC triggered his release clause but the owner of Dnipro refused to sign the paperwork.

    Blame cannot be passed onto Ayre for the deal not happening :-)

  15. Everyone can view the image of the deleted tweet from James Lippett by visting the following link


  16. Google the following

    Yevhen Konoplyanka’s agent Tweets & then deletes explanation for failed Liverpool deal

    and then open the 101greatgoals article to check out the James Lippett's deleted tweet...

  17. Google the following

    Yevhen Konoplyanka’s agent Tweets & then deletes explanation for failed Liverpool deal

    and then open the 101greatgoals article to check out the tweet James Lippett's removed from his twitter account...

  18. Lets put this window behind us and try to cement a top 4 spot then hopefully we can go for this calibre of a player. .But I agree we won't be paying more than 100k for wages

  19. I am afraid it is you that is out of touch with reality. The reality is that footballers are worth whatever share of the income they generate that they or their agents are able to get. It is the same in every other walk of life too. The fact is most of us are not good enough at what we do and/or are unable to generate the income to enable us to demand the sort of fees that footballers can. We ,may be jealous but unless we change the entire capitalist system players wages will continue to increase exponentially - its the law of supply and demand. .......

  20. Agree, football at this level is an extremely competitive business. You're either getting better or you're going out of business. Getting better means getting better players and they cost money. Additionally the money they make is not a lifetime. The average player probably doesn't last at that pay structure more than 5 years or so unless he is extremely talented and durable. Besides it is the players who provide the excitement and put butts in the seats and persuade people to buy team gear throughout the world. The average Joe probably couldn't name an owner if tortured for it.

  21. Is this code for bring back AC?

  22. Salary caps. However this would have to be done in every league in europe (possibly the world).
    That in itself would also encourage dodgy deals and private handouts.

  23. They sound just like most people then ..... except for the living the dream bit oh and ridiculous amounts of money....

  24. If you think salary caps are the answer, then just look at the NBA/NFL/MLB. Teams rich enough to pay the luxury tax when they bust the salary caps will just pay the luxury tax and get on with winning. Their brand makes more money worldwide than they ever generate from the league anyway and I don't think Russian billionaires got that way entirely through their astute business acumen. I lost count of the number of scarf covered street protestors I have seen on TV throwing rocks in some obscure corner of the world wearing NYY hats or T-shirts. 90,000 fans at the MCG wearing Liverpools shirts says nothing if not ca-ching for LFC.

  25. Perhaps we want to look at other players and relative costs and perhaps kono wants to see who else comes in for him and what they are prepared to offer. No one going any where 'til the summer and lotscan change between now and then

  26. Do you even watch Liverpool play? We have more tactical variation than any other team in the league.

  27. Still not as good as ratikic. Who would be cheaper to buy, lower wages and can play anywhere in midfield. Oh and has had less injuries.

  28. 60 + all the donuts you can eat

  29. Because a lot can happen between now and july 1st. The player could get injured (touchwood), could score a butt load of goals or go goalless in between, Liverpool could miss CL (touch wood and never let go) while Dnipro can qualify. So it might be in best interest of both teams that a deal hasn't been struck.

  30. A waste of time talking about this fine player when we were checking for spare change in Ukraine.

  31. 4eva LFC, LFC 4eva9:12 pm, February 04, 2014

    This is just another bullshit story to get the fans going, we can't seal deals for 15mill and now we are trying for players in the 25mill mark, PLEASE this is another one of the stupid rumours to take the fans minds of the failure that are LFC in another transfer market.
    To all those that were saying that we will be fine for the remainder of the season, how confident are you feeling now after the very average performance against WBA?
    Another draw which could have been avoided lets just hope that the players are not upset with the lack of ambition shown by the club during the transfer window.

  32. Salary caps should have been brought in years ago. The problem is that football is a global sport and unless FIFA impose a world-wide salary cap (which wouldn't really work due to different standards/cost of living) it would just mean that players would all move to a market where there isn't any salary cap.
    I'm all for players earning good money to be honest, it is a mighty big pie and they deserve their slice, but the basic wages should be smaller and the big money should be tied to incentives and the money they bring in to a club (image rights and stuff).

  33. Nah, I think City at their best do. They can hoof it to Dzeko or Negredo, play down the wings with Kolarov and Navas, dominate the middle with Yaya and Fernandinho, have Yaya driving into the area with Aguero going in behind. 1 up front, 2 up front. I think fully fit City have the best variation. Key players injured last night.

  34. you are spot on ,all the owners are interested in is makeing money of the club just look at how many corporate deals they have sown up lately they are quick to let us know that,,but the possition we are in the league is the best for some time,,im no brenden rodgers fan but i thought they would have brought in much needed quality every one knows were we need strenghening yet he tried to buy one winger on the cheap,then buy the way supposed to have bid 16 mill for another wide man,bullshit these yanks know exactly what they are doing,all the reds fans are deluded if they think we will finish 4 th with this squad,to inconsistant great performance against everton,followed by one of the worst one against west brom,the manager and ayre are just yes men

  35. Simply put if we make the CL we should absolutely sign Kroos. One of the best attacking midfielders in Europe it's only because of Bayern's ridiculous depth he can't get a game in. If we can make the CL we will need far better quality in the midfield and it's players like him that will help us make waves there.

  36. Kroos will have the pick of nearly every top team in the world if he and bayern part ways. We're still a fair way off from being able to compete with the likes of Chelsea, City, Real Madrid, PSG etc and they're the type of clubs that will be going for kroos. Someone like Lallana is a more realistic option

  37. No chance kroos will sign for any of those 3 teams or us for that matter

  38. lol what r u smoking?? we cant even turn a draw into win.Suarez can score a bunch of goal one day and be goal less next game.we got no character at the moment.How many times we scored in 2nd half to win a game?

  39. Hmmm...maybe. The only issue is that we're coming off looking like laggards in the transfer market. It may impact how selling clubs view us in future dealings.

  40. Don't understand the down vote. Not saying I necessarily agree with the system just stating tha's the way it is and you'd be deluded to think othewise.. If you're not prepared to explain your disagreement with a comment don't take the coward's way out with an anonymous vote down.
