10 Jan 2014

Bargain: How LFC could sign 'terrific' £20m transfer target for only £6m. Underhand...?

In November, Reds legend John Barnes suggested that Newcastle midfielder Yohan Cabaye would be a 'good signing' for Liverpool, and with recent reports linking the 26 year old with a move to Anfield, it seems there is an enticing way that Brendan Rodgers could sign the France star on the cheap.

A recent report in the Northern Echo claimed:

"Liverpool are monitoring [Cabaye's] situation, but the Magpies’ stance hasn’t changed.

"They remain reluctant to let the influential midfielder leave unless their valuation of £18-20m is met"

The Liverpool Echo reported in December that the Reds plan a January bid for Cabaye, and according to The Telegraph today:

"Cabaye is looking into the “Webster Rule” [Article 17 of Fifa’s transfer rules] which states that a player can cancel a contract “without just cause” and pay the remaining value of his deal, [and then] join another club on a free transfer".

If Cabaye is to go down this route, then any interested clubs would almost certainly pay him compensation for buying out his deal, which basically means that one lucky club could get a £20m player for just £6m.

Discussing the Cabaye link on the 5-Times podcast in November, Barnes argued that Liverpool need two bona-fide Mascherano-style ball-winners in midfield, and supported the idea of signing Cabaye:

"Cabaye is very good player. He works hard, he can attack [and] if we’re going to play 433 or 442 then, yes, I think he would be a good signing".

Barnes argued that LFC's attacking front-three of Coutinho, Sturridge and Suarez need extra defensive insurance in midfield due to their lack of consistent tracking back, and he seemed to suggest that Cabaye - an offensive minded player - would not provide that to a sufficient degree.

Cabaye almost left Newcastle over the summer, but he decided to stay, and his form so far this season is delighting manager Alan Pardew, who told reporters recently:

"Yohan has just got on with his work and settled down. He's getting on with the job in hand. He's been terrific and he's just got his head down to get on with life."

Cabaye is an excellent player, but where would he fit into the team?

* A Gerrard/Cabaye pairing in midfield is non-starter. One of the two would need to be defensive, and Gerrard doesn't have the legs or the mobility to play that role for 90 minutes. Forcing Cabaye out of position and into the Lucas role would be a total waste of the player's creativity and playmaking skills, though given Rodgers penchant for misusing players, it wouldn't surprise me if he took that route.

* If the Reds signed Cabaye, where would that leave Henderson and Allen. One of either Henderson, Gerrard, Allen, or Lucas would need to be left out to accommodate him, so who would it be? It's probably not going to be Lucas, as he is he only dedicated defensive-midfielder in the first-team squad. It won't be Gerrard as Rodgers will always pick him if he's fit. Allen will almost definitely make way, and Hendo will be forced to battle it out with Cabaye.

----------------------- Mignolet

Johnson --------- Skrtel ---- Sakho --------- Flanagan

---------------------- Lucas

---------------- Hendo ---- Cabaye

--------------------- Coutinho

--------------- Suarez ---- Sturridge

This would (IMO) be the most effective midfield with current players, but I just can't see Rodgers leaving Gerrard on the bench for an extended period of time.

One other thing to consider is the slightly underhand nature of buying out a deal. If a revered Liverpool player did that, I'm sure Reds fans wouldn't like it. And if LFC sign Cabaye, what's to stop him engaging in similar behaviour when he wants out of Anfield at some point in the future?



  1. Team without STeven G that ain't gonna happen. IF SG is going to be out it's going to be Koke who is going to take his place. Cabaye will help us now but not the future.

  2. I think Cabaye and Hendo's mobility and box-to-box style is such that you could play the two of them in the middle in a 4-4-2 provided Sturridge and Suarez work hard enough.
    I certainly wouldn't like Liverpool to take advantage of this situation though.

  3. This is only a tough one if you are more comfortable with the devil you know. To me it isn't tough at all. In this formation, you platoon Cabaye, Sterling, Hendo and Gerrard or Lucas and Gerrard based on who is tired. Gerrard never plays more than 60 minutes....and he is told that. When there are weeks with both an FA and a PL game you keep Allen and Alberto ready. This is the beauty of having a squad of good mid-fielders who can plug and play. Look at what City, Arsenal and Chelski can field as mid-fielders and that's what we need. Cabaye would fill that squad out well. Aspas only plays FA Cup games...Cissokho too.

  4. Go for it - FIFA regulations say that any club which induces a player to leave his club during his contract would be banned from making any transfers for two years. The presumption of FIFA is that any club he signs for shortly afterwards has induced him, and the onus would be on them to prove they hadn't. Agreeing to pay him £6m to cover the £6m buy-out to Newcastle and you are bang to rights, guv. In tact, even having talks with him, his agent or Newcastle before he ended the contract would mean it would be impossible to prove he had not been induced by LFC.
    Otherwise clubs would be doing this all the time with players who are on longer term contracts to try to get players "on the cheap".
    Players are allowed to buy themselves out of a long contract after 3 years, if they want to get out of the game, or become a genuine free agent willing to start looking around for another club because they are genuinely unhappy at a club who have been unreasonable about selling them. The regulations don't allow clubs to undermine the transfer system and cause other clubs to lose money.

  5. problem is he wants to go to a big club and play champions league ie Arsenal,so thats you lot out anyway .

  6. Yeah big club dip stick! Something that Arsholenal will never be. Ps when was the last time u won the CL? Oh yeah, that's right NEVER!!

  7. A bit desperate for something to write about JK????????

  8. I am hoping that FSG actually back B Rodgers well in next two transfer windows. So he can stop bringing in dead wood average players on peanuts, who offer the club very little and were a waste of money( Alberto, Aspas. Assaidi, Borini and Llori) and the loan signings( Cissokho, Moses and Sahin) have all been a waste of money and they have not shined or stood out playing for the club.

    Real class and quality players need to be brought to the club:
    Players who will get straight in the first team and offer good class quality competition for their place in side.

    And the 4 players B Rodgers should pull all the stops out to bring in January are as follows: These players would be great for us now, but even better if we make champions league next season as they are players of Champions league class and Quality.

    1 and 2: The centre Midfield problem:

    1: Lack of mobility, Lack of physical presence, lack of strength, Lack of Size and dominating presence in centre of park.

    M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan Or Fernando(26) Of Porto, One of these players needs to be brought to club this month for 3-12M to compete with Lucas Leiva(26)

    2: Lack of class, creativity and goals from open play in the centre of park:

    Y Cabaye(27) Of Newcastle or I Rakitic(25) Of Seville, One of these players needs to be brought in this month for 8-20M to compete with Henderson(23)

    3 and 4: Out wide lack of Class, creativity and Goals from either wing:

    3: M Salah(21) Of Basel should be brought to club for 8-15M to compete and cover Sterling. He may cost club 15M now but in year or two he could be worth double that

    4: B Arfa(26) Of Newcastle should be brought to club for 10-15M to compete with Ibe and so we can send Abymzal V Moses(22) back to chelsea as soon as possible.

    FSG need to back B Rodgers well this Month, then Rodgers needs to seal the M Salah deal first as the priority.

    Then B Rodgers should offer Newcastle 30M for B Arfa and Y Cabaye as opening offer, then if they reject it go back with 33M offer to seal the deal.
    And lastly M'Vila(23) Of Rubin kazan should be brought to club

    And with those 4 players in squad:

    We could rest S Gerrard(33) more regularly and in games where he and lucas have got exposed. ( fluid mobile centre midfields)
    And with everyone fit, I think Rodgers would be spoilt for choice:

    Team 1 in 4 3 3
    Johnson Skrtel Sakho Enrique
    M'Vila Cabaye
    Salah Suarez Arfa
    Team 2 in 4 4 2
    Johnson Skrtel Sakho Cissokho
    M'Vila Gerrard
    Salah Arfa
    Suarez Sturridge
    Team 3 in 4 2 3 1
    Johnson Skrtel Sakho Enrique
    M'Vila Gerrard
    Salah Cabaye Arfa

  9. Sounds more like Wengers underhand cheapskate tactics like he tried with Suarez and many others what a loser.

  10. "but, he decided to stay"???? i though newcastle smacked him on the nose n said NO! BAD CABAYE! NO TRANSFER FOR YOU!! and he missed a game or two then came crawling back.
    i wouldnt sign cabaye anyways. good player but think there are better options than him.

  11. M'Vila i like and would be very pleased for us to move on him but Cabaye is a good player but wouldnt want him and no way do i think Ben Arfa is worth 10-15m, Talented but injury prone and shows some skill once in every 5-10 games. i just dont rate him.
    Salah would be an interesting signing, i wish it would have progressed a little quicker thouigh lol

  12. i would love to see cabaye at anfield and if it happens i still think lucas needs replacing, hes just not the same player since hes been back

  13. not more than 15mn

  14. Cabaye would be great for us but I cannot help but think that we will see very little of the much needed reinforcements arrive this January. I just read that we've already missed out on Seb Rode who's just signed with Bayern...on a FREE. Cabaye, Reges, possibly even m'Villa would be a great addition and could even mean the title at the end of the year. Last year we showed real intent by bringing in Coutinho and Sturridge but this year we appear to be happy with the risk of a couple of injuries seeing us drop back to sixth or seventh. Sadly.

  15. I don't see Cabaye as a creative number 10 style player, and he's not a defensive-minded midfielder either. At this point I don't think we need him. He would be a sub for Stevie and we already have Allen for that. We don't have unlimited funds and so if we're looking at buying midfielders I think that we need backup/competition for Lucas (eg Rakitic) and a winger (or two eg. Yarmolenko/Salah/Turan).

    I don't much like the idea of buying a player on the cheap via some underhanded small-print get-out clause and don't think it's the Liverpool way, but this is business; if you can get a player worth 15mil for 6mil, you've got to take it under consideration.

  16. Yeah, I think a proper CM will have to wait until Gerrard sees more bench time.

  17. 'missed out on seb rode'...never heard that rumour....

  18. get him the scouse way.. pinch the fucker...

  19. arsenal are a bigger club than you lot, he wants to play in the CL,not admire your past trophy list .. now go pay for a player instead of tying to theive the fucker, he`s not a set of wheel trims!

  20. we showed Real intent bringing in Coutinho last year, did you check what date we brought him in, ?? and Sakho last day transfer ALSO.

  21. thats nearer the truth ;)

  22. Yes, or offer £6m+£1

  23. am sure I said he wants to GO to a club playing CL football, not that we have won it you donk.. as things are we are as likely to win it as you. more likely actually because we have the players you want and you have only suarez.... for now ha ha ..

  24. this article is about getting him free, then reimbursing cabaye 6 mill... no wonder you have a reputation as theiving scum..

  25. Crawl back wherever you came from.

  26. Rodgers obsessed with playing players "out of position"? I think every manager that's had Cabaye has played him in a conservative midfield role at some point. His understanding of the way midfield works, and his intelligence is one of his main strengths now, is presumably enhanced by that experience. That's why you play players in a variety of roles (not positions, roles: central midfield is central midfield, that's the position: just the role changes): so that they end up better footballers than they started out.

  27. Cabaye is a box to box midfielder "all round midfielder" so if he he is asked to play defensive midfield then there should be no problem with that?

    There is a reason why Henderson now is the first player on the team sheet. RB, RWB, DM, CM, AM, RW, LW and bet Henderson would even have a stab at playing as a striker and CB. The amount of money we spent on him is serving us very well now. He plays where he is asked to play and never moans about being told what to do.

    Cabaye would want guaranteed 1st team football and doubt Rodgers will be making promises like that.

    If we make the top 4 then i would rather save my money for a player like Lars Bender.

  28. Yet another added to the list! Think it went to around 30 players now linked with lfc. Disgrace. Otherwise we're as slow as ever on bringing new faces, 11 days in, still nothing. They said the salah transfer will be completed this week! Lies and more lies.

  29. Your parents honoured you by naming you after stevie G and you talk like that. Some people have no gratitude

  30. I think you need to stop reading the rumours then cause 90% of what the media brings out is a you guessed it, rumour...

  31. totally agree. We dont need him at this point, we need more creative spark, but mainly on the flanks, a decnt LB and a good holding DM With attacing qualities in the mould of Yaya Toure. Then we are still in for the title.
    Also: No way the America buisniss executives gives a rats ass about the Liverpool way, if thats te only thing that stands between them and a payday of say 7-8 M£.

  32. As a Hearts and Liverpool fan, Webster was classed as Judas and was hated by the Hearts support so when he came back it was a massive shock, but football fans are very fickle creatures and I would say that once he started putting in the kinds I performances he was before he left 99% of the fans forgave him. But at the time even just the mention of his name was met wih the look of disgust so I think if Cabaye where to do the same there would be a lot o fans in the premiership no just Newcastle ones that would treat him with distain when he plays. Can't remember what my point was so Ill finish there but as a Red Id be more than happy to see him in a Liverpool shirt!!!

  33. So Steve, qualifying for the CL is success in Arsenal's eyes. What about winning it, or even winning anything in the last eight years, if you want to talk about historical trophy cabinets. Playing in the CL is a reward financially, but winning it is something your club will never do, unlike Liverpool.

  34. Y Cabaye(27) offers more class, creativity and goals to centre midfield than Allen(24) and Henderson(23) Together, yet we have a more attack minded side , so how does that work? Because Cabaye(27) is a better player than both Allen and Henderson

    We have struggled to get goals from open play in centre midfield and out wide this season?

    Where Man City have Aguero, Negredo and Dzeko scoring for fun, Yaya Toure, Fernandinho, Nasri, Navas and Silva are bringing goals to their side also

    Where Arsenal had Giroud and Ramsey firing with some walcott goals here and there, now they have Cazorla, Rosicky and Podolski there to chip in with a few also

    We are OVER Reliant on L Suarez and D Sturridge? in games that we have played and neither have scored, when has the team this season scored more than 2 goals?

    Cabaye(27) and Arfa(26) would bring more class, creativity, Goals and quality to squad and first 11.

    B Arfa(26) had his leg broken then when he got back into side , he got injured again. He has not been injury prone this season, just the manager has opted not to use him due to his lack of defensive cover.

    B Arfa(26) is a match winner, in big games or small games. He is a player than can do something in a game at any moment and win a match, so for you to say he is not worth 10-15M when B Rodgers spent 6.8M on Alberto, 7.7M on Aspas, 10.5M on Borini and 15M on J Allen,

    And none of those 4 players come close to the class or quality of B Arfa(26).

    I am sure B Arfa alongside the likes of Coutinho, Gerrard, Sturridge, Suarez and hoepfully Salah would shine.

    B Arfa(26) just needs confidence and consistency, he has more class and quality than V Moses(22) and i think he would be a better signing than C Tello(22).

    And in all honesty don't want B Rodgers wasting any more money on dud loan signings who do nothing for team

  35. He's on a free. The fact that we didn't even try makes it all the worse. But you can rationalize all you want right now. Three years from now you'll be crying your eyes out that we didn't sign a player like that when we could.

  36. And on what day did we sign Sturridge. If you want to be smart, at least make sure you're also consistent.
