15 Jan 2014

Exciting News: LFC make €10m bid for top-class Brazilian star. First Jan transfer...?

Last summer, several sources - including Sky Sports Italia and Italian football show SportItalia - claimed that Liverpool put in a bid for midfielder Jorge Luiz Frello Filho - aka Jorginho - who currently plays for Serie A side Hellas Verona. Recent reports , suggest that the Reds and Arsenal still want Jorginho, and now, it appears that Brendan Rodgers is making a strong push to sign the Brazilian.

In a July broadcast of Italian sports show 'SportItalia', journalist Alfredo Pedulla - formerly of Italian newspaper Corriere dello Sport - confirmed that Liverpool had put in an €8m offer for Jorginho. Soon after that, Pedulla further claimed that:

* Verona President, Mauricio Setti, is willing to sell if the price is right.
* The asking price for Jorginho is €10m.
* Setti met with Liverpool reps in London to discuss the transfer.

Things seem to be progessing because today, Italian news wire Sportmediaset reports:

* Liverpool have matched Napoli's €10m bid for Jorginho.
* LFC Scouts were at Verona on Sunday to watch Jorginho in action.
* The deal on the table = €7.5m transfer fee + €2.5m in bonuses.

In November, Jorginho's agent, Joao Santos, confirmed that Jorginho is open to a move away. He told reporters:

“He [Jorginho] could leave if he continues to confirm himself at this level, even if it would be pleasing to see him, Martinho and Rafael still wearing the Gialloblu jersey if Verona qualified for the Europa League"

When asked in November about his future at Verona, Jorginho also made it clear that he's open to a move away. He told reporters:

"If it's true that there is interest [from other clubs] I will be more than happy [to leave]."

Jorginho can play in several different positions (attacking midfield; Defensive mid; Central-mid playmaker, and Right wing), so Rodgers' interest is hardly surprising.

Additionally, with 96 appearances in the last 2.5 seasons, the Brazilian has a good level of experience for his age, and his great form last season helped Verona to win promotion to Serie A.

Hellas Verona are currently 6th in Serie A, with Jorginho on 7 goals/3 assists in 18 games for the season so far.

Rodgers currently has a 100% record in January transfer windows, and Jorginho looks like the type of player who could have a Coutinho-like impact at Anfield.

Could this be Liverpool's first signing of the January transfer window?

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  1. Please let this be true!

  2. pls make it happen

  3. Liverpool really need to capitalize on the unpredictability of the league, this has been the best change since 08-09 to qualify for the CL and we need reinforcements to make a statement.

    I'm just glad Enrique is coming back, don't get me wrong, he is not a world class defender but offers more than we have currently.

  4. Sounds very promising! Lets hope its actually true.
    Get Lucas and Coutinho on the phone to him!

  5. We don't have a good track record in signing players from Italy do we!!!

  6. Dossena, Doni, Aquilani etc.

  7. I'd say that Coutinho isn't too shabby

  8. Hope this happens, LFC need to buy a few more good players in this transfer window to keep up the momentum.

  9. Agreed but he is not the norm coming from Italy.

  10. Jorginho is Brazilian born though.

  11. Really hope we get one over on Rafa after he shafted us on M'Vila

  12. hope we get Salah

  13. Napoli are the new Spurs when it comes to players linked to Liverpool these days ,eh

  14. FSG need to back and support B Rodgers well in the next two months with serious investment:

    We need our centre midfield sorted out and both wings sorted( Attacking) :
    A DM: M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan should be brought to the club for 6-12M

    A CM: Y Cabaye(27) Of Newcastle, Koke(21) Of A Madrid Or I Rakitic(25) Of Seville, One of these class, creative, box to box , Mobile and Goal Scoring Centre Midfielders for 14-20M

    And two pacey quick interchanging Goal Scoring wingers who can play on either wing for combined total of 25M

    1: RW / RWF: M Salah(21) Of Basel should be brought to club at all costs for 7-15M to compete and cover Sterling(19)

    2: LW/ LWF: D Capel(25) Of Sporting Clube De Portugal / Lisbon needs to be brought to the club for 5-8M to compete and Cover with IBE(18) , So average/poor V Moses(22) back to Chelsea.

    And Fernando(26) Of Porto, should be signed on pre contract for summer also. We need two physical centre midfielders at club

    M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan should be brought to club this January and Fernando(26) Of Porto should be brought to club in Summer, both those two dominant mobile physical tough tackling enforcers would bring the class presence and quality to Squad. Both those players should be brought in, then Lucas would have two players to compete for his role. Both those players would cost club together 15-18M , the same amount club spent on J Mascherano many years ago from West Ham

  15. Bought in a different era with different manager and scouting team, so bares absolutely no relevance.

  16. It's not Rafa who shafted LFC...! It's the owners... they don't want to pay top dollars to get top players.

  17. Hopefully we land him as we need an attacking mid, and he does look the part. Not a big name but could be a big player for us in the push for CL.
    What I'm afraid of is that common sense will not prevail in the face of the stringent transfer policies in place. Should Verona say ask for an extra 2m, knowing the position we are in regarding CL qualification and the fact that its Jan, will we abandon the deal as we have done in the past?
    If Rodgers really believes this player could make a difference i hope he pushes it through. I'm not saying we should be held for ransom, but too many deals lately seem to have fallen through because we are unwilling to pay slightly over the odds. Two or three mil extra in transfer terms is pittance considering the prize on offer.
    Lets get it done.

  18. Gerrard and Suarez should walk in the office of FSG and Demand
    New Defence a Midfielder and striker .
    Glen Johnson Cant Attack and defend he has served the club well Due date is up.
    Our defence leaks way to much Goals.
    We need long term Gerrard replacement
    striker that we can rotate to rest Suarez and sturridge .
    And not kids for Future sick off that line we need class

  19. Well lets hope BR is doing the Euromillions every week. There's no hope we will be spending anything close to that figure in January, it won't be authorised by the owners.
    The players you mention are all class acts agreed, but you will not see these big names coming to anfield in January for one reason, no guarenteed CL.
    Should we qualify, then there would be the extra revenue and the carrot of CL football to work with in the summer.
    until that happens i'm afraid we will have to stick with one or two realistic signings in jan and hope we avoid injuries and the squad is good enough to keep the momentum going.
    Nice ideas though.

  20. i hope not ... we need some Big name who could handle pressure and proven himself
    i would prefer spend 30 mil on 1 BIG name that BR want and suit him instead of signing 3 players like badu jorginho etc ... no disrespect

  21. Can you hear the mid-field when Lucas, Coutninho,and Jorginho area ll playing? All that Portuguese. Whatever works. I hope we get the guy, but at 5'11" and 143 Lbs he's going to have to hit the weight room to hold his own against EPL defenders. 7 goals and 3 assists already is a pretty good haul. Hope this is true.

  22. Hazard was not a big name when Chelski signed him...but he is now.

  23. Problem is you wont get that big name without CL unless you are offering 250,000 a week.
    Summer is the time for big names should we get qualification and the world cup will always throw up some interesting players.

  24. I love the way some fans make these signings sound so simple.

    Salah has been linked with quite a few clubs and the other players you have mentioned too but guess what, none of them have been bought yet by any club.

    Wonder why?

  25. Some of the most awful signings ever!

  26. He was. Every top team fought for him.

  27. Lucas will be up against it if Rodgers is planning on making Gerrard the 'controller' in our midfield...

  28. I get the jokey nature of the comment. Welcome to the site - (from wayshapeform)

  29. Just because someone is a 'big name' doesn't guarantee success, and the same goes for a 'small name', doesn't mean they cant contribute.
    There are so many examples of big names flopping when they move clubs.

  30. It can't be any more difficult than it is on football manager

  31. I mentioned fantasy football the other day :-)

  32. was coutinho a big name then...?.....no but his instant impact was very much big...!......even sturridge wasnt a big name....just people were talking then like he s selfish..no team work...though he has talent he is not top team player etc..................................look what that duo have done to our team...!!!

  33. I get the feeling he could be the one to make a difference.....
    Fingers crossed mate......(just not too tightly!)

  34. Hi stuart, glad to see the 'old campaigners' are still around :)

  35. Emmanuel Agyemang-Badu from Udinese is now a name being thrown around. Gotta love silly season.

  36. Rodgers will find out there's no transfer kitty by the weekend, as J Henry is flying over to see him on Saturday. we might be having a whip round!

  37. Jaimie why was my comment deleted

  38. Mr. Point Of View3:33 pm, January 15, 2014

    beside from atk, JE does offer what he should be ! is a good news

  39. Mr. Point Of View3:37 pm, January 15, 2014

    i had a feeling he not the 1st in this window...smoke screen? I think d 1st would be a black skin (im no racist ok)...Bcoz they give me a feeling they are more physically type and which is we currently very weak

  40. Torres was a big name when he went to Chelsea and has quite honestly been one of the biggest flops the EPL has ever seen since his move plus there are also his wages on top of that and we are talking over 250k a week.

    Big name eh?

  41. Sorry, my comment was meant for Ali...

  42. Torres was a big name when he went to Chelsea and has quite honestly been one of the biggest flops the EPL has ever seen since his move plus there are also his wages on top of that and we are talking over 250k a week.

    Big name eh?

  43. in all honesty though napoli does offer champions league football

  44. i said that ( BR want and suit him )
    torres wasnt that CA or chelsea type IMO ...

  45. mata is big name and his wage was lower than downing when he joined us .. i believe we are in position allow us to attract some names ..

  46. Um no. Not since they were knocked out by Arsenal n Dortmund in december. But if the lad fancies playin Swansea in Europa league then by all means he should join them

  47. i agree .. but if he suit our system he would have great chance .. if the small name he would need to learn and settle and what the player need ..
    at least bringing some names who have the knowledge and suit us

  48. One because FSG only want to buy cheap peanut players , who they hope we can sell in future for more. With class, quality players that take so bloody long to sign, our club take too long with transfers. Always have always will, otherwise the likes of D Alves, Silva, D Villa, K Aguero and J Mata would have been playing their trade at Anfield. But we take too long to get targets

    The problem is cheap skates FSG:

    Whereas Man City brought the likes of Fernandinho 30M, Jovetic 23M, Negredo 25M, Navas 16M.

    And Chelsea brought in Willian 20M, Schurle 17M, Marcos Van Winkel 9M and they have just Re signed Matic for 20M

    FSG and Ayre dilly dally on signing class, quality players: All the time, they use the same stupid excuse because one manager wasted millions in 1 transfer window. Yes Dalglish spent 115M on players, but the club brought in 80M pounds on player sales( Bennayoun, Torres, Babel, Meireless, Poulsen, Riera and Ngog) that season.

    So they should stop using the same dumb excuses in not backing B Rodgers, but they players they can get on cheap cheap they shell out for.

    Class , quality players hit the ground running more than not , potential normally take 2 years minimum to hit ground running. Our club do not have two years to keep L Suarez at club, we have 6 months. We make champions league, he stays we don't he is gone its simple.

    And if we make champions league, we need players of champions league class and quality playing for club or we will come back straight out of it.

    Out of a 25 man squad our club 12/13 class quality players. And that has to be recified asap if we aim to compete in europe next year

    Ask yourself the players i have mentioned we should bring to club are they better than what we have?


    Some players want to go to clubs where they have more chance of playing and silver ware.

    Not every player is money money, otherwise Sigurdsson would have joined us, Willian would have joined us.

    Fernando(26) Of Porto and M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan would cost club a combined total of 14-16M

    M'Vila(23) would cost 7-12M
    Fernando(26) would cost 2-3M if we buy him off porto now, or get him for free on pre signed contract

    That is 2.5m pounds cheaper than what Mascherano signed for us Permanently in Feb 2008. And these two would bring in the class, Dominance, physical presence, fight, strength and tough tackling to centre of park and Squad.

    If those two are brought to club, Lucas will never get a game, Lucas(26) has improved dramatcially over the years but when he has had good class quality competition for his place he has warmed bench all the time. But when he had Poulsen and Spearing at club, they made Lucas look like Mascherano.

    FSG Need to back B Rodgers well THIS month and in the summer with 55-65M

    These 5 players are needed this month and now:
    DM: M'Vila (23) Rubin Kazan
    DM: Fernando(26) Of Porto
    CM: I Rakitc( 25) Of Seville
    LW / LWF: D Capel(25) Sporting Clube De Portugal
    RW /RWF: M Salah(21) Of Basel

    Then in the summer these positions are needed sorting/Strengthening to bring for class , quality competition at club: GK CB RB LB AM FD

    GK: A Mccarthy(24) Of Reading should be brought for 4-7M to compete and cover Mignolet(25) for next 4-7 Years at club

    RB: M Montoya(22) Of Barcelona should be signed for 4-7M to compete and Cover G Johnson

    CB: K Papadopolus(21) Of Schalke should be signed for 10-14M to be the partner of M Sakho(23) in next year or two

    LB: S Umtiti(19) Of Lyon should be signed for 5-7M to compete and cover Enrique(26)

    AM: A Lallana(25) Of Southampton should be signed for 12-16M to compete and cover Coutinho

    FD: L Remy(26) Of QPR should be signed for 10-14M to compete and cover Sturridge

  49. yes he have instant impact what about this season ?!
    especially coutinho he didnt used to boxing day and the christmas days pressure ... and he still need to learn when and where to shot the ball !
    he is brilliant talent .. but IMO we need proven talent with consistent performance
    stu was proven talent at least for me and he wanted to prove chelsea wrong about selling him so he must not be that selfish like he was on chelsea
    and dont forget what BR saying about stu in every conference ...

    ok what about aspas .. borini .. etc ...
    am not saying they are not good but not proven them self
    we need someone could come and shake the anfield with his goals or assist or what anything he will give us

  50. didnt understand what you mean by that sorry ..

  51. congrats thats the most stupid comment ive ever read

  52. Suarez? Is that you, mate?

  53. The phrase "a black skin" is so hilarious, I'm thinking of becoming a racist just so I can use it in my day-to-day speech.

  54. He said, without punctuation or capitals.

  55. I like the look of him and the price is surprisingly reasonable, but I think we should focus on an athletic defensive minded midfielder and getting Salah.

  56. He's Brazilian mate!?

  57. Well that was my point really. Chelsea were able to offer Mata Champions League football, we cannot offer that at the moment.
    The other incentive to so called "big" names is to offer an astronomical pay packet like Monaco did for Falcao, we are not in the position to offer that either.

  58. anything original... we have Gerrard so we don't want the same sort of player so cabaye is out.. Lars Bender and Blaise Matuidi.. sorted.

  59. what are you on about, cheapskates?! Buying a debt ridden club and paying those debts costs money, buying all the houses around Anfield to renovate Anfield costs lots more money.. It doesn't seem like they are cheap to me, and still they spend plenty on the players wanted and available (and who want to come).. Nah! don't sound cheap to me...

  60. also most of the players you have mentioned are injury prone or just not even close to available.. Willian cost £30m if I remember and the price of others is grossly under what they are really costing clubs.. Papa from Schalke has missed nearly all season with that same injury that prevented LFC buying him in the first place.. you need to check your facts before ranting..

  61. Rodgers has wasted 40M on Alberto, Aspas, Assaidi, Borini and Llori.

    None of those players have shown the worth and have made no change on squad or team so far, so that 40M could have been better spent elsewhere.

  62. its the truth we need class quality players not dead wood average players.

    We have the weakest centre midfield compared to Man City, Arsenal, Chelsea and Tottenham .

    Chelsea have Luiz, Lampard, Ramires, Oscar, Mata, De Bruyne, Essien and Obi Mikel

    Man City have Yaya Toure, Fernadinho, Garcia, Silva and Nasri

    Arsenal have Arteta, Cazorla, Ramsey, Wiltshire, Flamini, Diaby and Ozil

    Tottenham have Capoue, Sandro, Dembele, Sigurdsson, Holtby, Paulinho and Eriksen

    We have one world class player in centre midfield who is on his last legs and at end of his teather S Gerrard. Coutinho is class and quality but has poor finishing.

    Whereas Allen, Henderson and Lucas are all average players who are not world beaters and will never ever be.

    And we wonder why we lack goals in the centre of park and why team are conceding goals for fun every game? AS WE have average centre midfield

    More class quality players are needed and top class quality players cost more than 7m and we need a lot of players in

  63. I don't even play Fifa, we are not in Europe and we are 4th, if we were in Europe we would be ninth. Our squad of 25 has 12/13 good class players. And 9 dead wood average or injury prone players and 3 Youngsters

    We have a deadly strike force god forbid they both go on dry run and we are screwed as we are over reliant on them two.

    And in games both have not scored, when has the team scored more than 2 goals this season?

  64. Gerrard(33) has been an amazing great loyal servant to club and will always be a legend, he still has amazing class quality delivery but due to his age, lack of mobility, Movement and pace now. Apart from his set pieces, S Gerrard(33) is a passenger in the centre of the park.

    He needs to used wisely from the bench but the class and quality is not there to rest him, whereas both Cabaye(27) Or Rakitic(25) are class creative mobile box to box goal scoring midfielders, so if one of them was brought to club. S Gerrard(33) could be used wisely and well

  65. Chelsea got Willian for just under 20M actually. Papa will be brought to the club in next year or two to play alongside Sakho in future, so thats minor. Schalke could have a pathetic Medical team who knows, he is 21 not 31 so he has time on his hands

  66. We were linked with how many 20M players plus in summer? How many players of that price came in? And I Ayre claimed the 18M Sakho signing was a Marquee signing. Really, Sakho(23) is a beast and has been a class great signing. But he cost 18M and he was not setting PSG alight on the bench

    But the likes of Cabaye(27) who is playing very well for Newcastle and scoring goals from OPEN play in centre of park has not been brought in.

    J Mascherano cost the club 18.6M in Febuary 2008, his class, quality and role at club to this day has still not been solved.

    M'Vila(23) Of Rubin Kazan and Fernando(26) Of Porto would cost the club 14-16M for the both of them, 2.6M cheaper and they would both bring the class,quality Mascherano brought to club.

    Fernando(26) and M'Vila(23) are players of Champions league class and Quality, both players are needed.

    With those players at club, if we were to get back in Champions league we could go tothe likes Barcelona and get result like we did when we had Hamman, Sissoko in centre of park dominating games or keeping it tight and hard to break down

  67. you're an idiot... for god sake We are not man city or chelsea, the owners don't have that amount of money to just throw at the team and say here BR go mad. in your post above you are talking about liverpool investing 67 million minimum to buy that many players in JANUARY?! also bringing in that many players could be a detriment to the team because they will have to re adapt. look at spurs after they went mental and splashed the cash. Their team still isn't firing on all cylinders and it's been half a season, you want to do something similar in the second half of the season?

    get real. also alberto and Ilori were never bought as first team players, they were bought to add depth and because they are both young talents.

  68. I am being honest truthful and real, no fantasy football , No Fifa and No championship Manager:

    The five players i have said we should bring to club are what we need and are available for good prices, the 5 player are better than what we have at club.

    If i was thinking Championship Manager or Fifa,

    These would be the 5 players i would say we should bring in:

    DM: J Martinez(26) Of Bayern Munich for 35-40M

    DM:I Gundogan(23) Of Borussia Dortmund for 22-28M

    CM: C Fabregas(26) Of Barcelona for 27-35M

    RW/RWF: C Ronaldo(28) Of Real Madrid for 85-95M

    LW/LWF: L Messi(26) Of Barcelona for 120-150M

    If i was thinking Fifa or Fantasy football that is the five players i would say club should bring to club, the positions we need strengthening. But players the club do not have the funds or finances for, who we will never have chance of hell in signing.

    But In M'Vila(23), Fernando(26), I Rakitic(25), M Salah(21) and D Capel(25), there are 5 class, quality players of Champions league calibre and class who could and would come to club if owners back the manager well and owner pushes the boat out to land them

  69. No no no, please no, another player who does score goals, no no no

    2010-11 (Serie C) 31 games 1 goal
    2011-12 (Serie B) 32 games 2 goals
    2012-13 (Serie B) 41 games 2 goals
    2013-14 (Serie A) 18 games 7 goals, 5 of which are penalites ... He will not take pur pens so in reality only 2 goals

    These are the stats of an average squad player, we have enough of them already, we need players who are actually going to be trying to replace our existing first 11 and for e them to the bench .... Jorginho will be vying for the be ch against Allen and Moses at best

  70. Or he will find out that J Henry is willing to push the boat out to secure CL football.

  71. Please no

    Of those 7 goals, 5 are pens, in the last 4 seasons (including one in serie c and two in serie b) he averages 2 goals a season

    This guy is a bench warmer at best. Who would you have him replace in the existing team for us to score more goals? No-one ... This guy should be a none-starter

  72. He averages 2 goals a season ... Last 4 seasons including 1 in Serie C and 2 in Serie B only this season in Serie A) he averages 2 goals a season ..... 5 of his 7 goals this season are from pens .... This guy will not take our pens so he is a two goal a season man ....... Not a liverpool first teamer trying to get us CL

  73. This will probably prove to be unpopular but i still think we should move for

    Mohamed Diamé from West Ham, last season he played some great football and is the kind of physical player we need in our midfield. His form this season hasn't been great but he is playing in a poor West Ham team.

    Due to his form i think he could be picked up fairly cheaply and the change of club would spark him back towards the form of last year. Could be a good piece of business.

  74. but our position allowed us to give some players CL
    i dont think we cant offer that money really ...
    and Falcao now is very big name .. i didnt mean that level

  75. your point is that FSG need to back Rodgers, implying that they don't.
    yet you use the argument they gave him 40million to spend and he has done nothing with it.
    that's a bit of a contradiction.
    Anyway the combined cost of those players was 35m and two were bought in the summer of 2012. Also Alberto and Ilori are players not bought to go straight into the first team, they are 21 and 20 respectively, they are there to develope and push for a place next year.

  76. Has Rodgers been able to spend 15m on two players in one window? Has Rodgers been able to bring in a 20M player and a 10M player during same window? No, B Rodgers is having to buy potential, our club do not need players for Potential. We need players who will come in starting line up now and challenge players now,

    You say i contradict. How old is Coutinho and Sterling? Coutinho(20) and Sterling (19), If your good enough you can and should play now, not if they are 20-21.

    At end of Day, The FSG needs to back B Rodgers with three big transfer windows as where we spend 15-30M every transfer window.

    Man City, Chelsea, Man United spend 50-70M normally and for last 5 seasons and a half they have had much better squads than us. So we are always playing catch catch up

    Class, quality Sqaud wins you trophies not your first 11 and until Our club gets more good class quality players in, where we have two class players competing for every position at club we will not be back dominating things. The best teams in world have the best squads , has always been the way and will always be the way.

  77. Xavi scores one in ten games for Barcelona. So does this guy for Verona. You can hardly say Xavi is not instrumental to Barcelona's success can you? Point is, it depends on in which role Rodgers would see this guy taking up. I've said it before, not all players on the pitch can score nor are they meant to. Kagawa was Uniteds top scorer from midfield in the league last year and he scored six goals. Six. And they won the league.

  78. Last time I checked he was still a Rubin Kazan player?

  79. Man Utd spending 50mil every year? No sorry you're wrong there. Chelsea and Man City are owned by Billionaires with unlimited funds, we are not.

    With the hundreds of millions Man City have spent in the last 6 years, it has netted them ONE league title and ONE FA cup. The last two forays into Champions League have been disasterous.
    In contrast Man Utd have spent a fraction of that money and won THREE premier league titles and TWO league cups. Won the Champions League in 2008 (the year Mansour took over) reached the final in 2009 and 2011 and the quarter final in 2010.
    So how does the amount of money spent on players reflect in any kind of success?
    Just because a selling club says a player is worth 20million doesnt' mean he is the right player for the team.
    Who should we have bought during the summer?
    Soldado for 26million?
    Lamella for 26million?
    Fellaini for 27.5million?
    Jovetic for 22million?
    All flops so far, and thats without going into our own history of Carroll and Downing. Flops come with huge price tags too, Torres, Robhino Shevcenko.
    Your opinion that money somehow equal class is completely flawed. If it was that easy i could be a manager. Unfortunately its not.
    You seem to have an issue with FSGs stewardship of the club. I for one have no problem with owners who came in and both a club on the verge of financial ruin, who were the laughing stock of the premier league and the media thanks to our spectacular and very public fall from grace under Hicks and Gillette.
    They have wiped the clubs debt (which were substantial), put together a very reasonable plan to expand the stadium, invested heavily in their first season in charge and got burned badly. Since then they have taken a measured approach starting with a very careful a shrewd appointment of manager, followed by steady and sensible investment in that manager. I have no problem not seeing the club i love burdened with incredible debts once again which threaten its very survival.
    The owners to me have appointed Brendan Rodgers, are backing Rodgers, but are investing not in Rodgers but Liverpool football club which, only through proper management by the current owners, will be here long after BR and JWH have left the clubs hierarchy. The have taken us from a bit of a laughing stock to genuine top four contenders.

    As for your claim that all top teams have at least two class players for each position, you are right. But you fail to realise that all top teams play in the champions league. We do not play enough games a season to warrant that kind of squad. Without the revenue from CL it is impossible and reckless to support the kind of expenditure that would come from wages and tranfer fees. Also without the draw of champions league and the promise of the extra matches that brings, it would be nearly impossible to entice two players for each position. There are not enough games in a season to justify that outlay. You cant switch players every week, you need consistancy, which innevitably will lead to players becoming discontent. We need to qualify for CL before we can spend that kind of money.
    Over all i think FSG are doing a very good job. As fans of course we would like to see 70million available every transfer window but that is just not realistic. Overall i just find your arguement falwed sorry.

  80. I'm more worried about the goals we seem to be leaking at the moment

  81. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

  82. And he is a black skin so that should be ok.

  83. So who would you drop to play him?

    Of our current first ( best 11) he is not good enough to replace any of them, we should be focusing on players who can make an impact now and be seriously challenging to play every game

    He doesn't fit that profile and nor most of the players we are linked with.

    Rodgers has made some excellent buys (Sturridge and Courinho), some poor ones (Borini and Aspas) and some for the future who are not ready yet (Alberto and Illori) ....... At this point in time trying to get a CL spot back we need to be looking at players who can play CL next season otherwise we will be knocked out straight away

  84. January is not the time to buy squad players

  85. Slippery slope, Man United used to spend 20-30m on player for so many seasons its only since the Glazers took over their purse strings have been cut, VERON 34M, Rio Ferdinand 30m, Rooney 30M, Berbatov 30M

    The only 30m plus player we have had at club was A Carroll 35M, who 95% of world except K Dalglish knew he was only worth 10-15M if that.

    Valencia 16M Nani 17.5M A Young 16M De Gea 17.8M Anderson 17.5M Zaha 15M

    The only three teams in Europe that hasn't really spent ridculous millions every year and are doing well year in year out is Arsenal, Athletico Madrid and Borussia Dortmund.

    The likes of Barcelona, Monaco, PSG, Bayern Munich would not be still the dominant forces they are without serious investment in their squads every transfer window

    We cannot waste 100-150m during one transfer window, but we need that amount spent in two transfer windows as our squad is weak and abyzmal and is nowhere near class or quality.

  86. I can see some improvement in our teams performances, but the fact is we are still short of steel and quality. Rodgers has made 2 good buys.....but has wasted money on the other players he has brought in. I personally have little faith in him, time will surely tell as this season represents our best chance of getting back into the champions league, but not with this lightweight squad.

  87. He was big name that is why he cost them 32M, But the Premiership is the best league in the world. So if your tearing it up consistantly you will stand out.

  88. Based on today's performance, Gerrard.
