2 Dec 2013

Not Good Enough: Carra urges BR to pull €11m LFC star 'out of the team'. Agree...?

Last week, Liverpool loan signing Victor Moses complained publicly about his lack of game-time for the Reds, but he got his chance yesterday against Hull City, and promptly failed to make any kind of positive impact. Anfield legend Jamie Carragher is not impressed, and after the game, he slammed Moses for his ineffective performance.

Speaking to the Liverpool Echo on Tuesday, Moses - who cost Chelsea €11m last summer - moaned:

“The main thing is to be on the pitch and enjoy football. That’s always been on my mind – to play games. There was only a little spell at Wigan when I first signed there and I wasn’t in the team every week.

“I’ve always gone to places for the football, places where I’m going to play. By playing, you learn, and I think I can develop a lot more but I realise to achieve that I’ve got to play as much as possible.”

Reacting to Moses comments and performance against Hull, a clearly irritated Carra told Sky Sports:

“He [Moses] has been complaining that he hasn’t been getting much of a chance. Well, this is the reason why he doesn’t play! He’s not responsible enough with the ball in his own half of the pitch. You can’t make decisions like that as a wide player. That’s why wide players notoriously end up out of the team, because they make decisions like that.”

Carra is, of course, referring to Moses' suicidal decision to try an elaborate individual move in his own half, which led inexorably to Hull scoring their first goal.

African player of the year he may be, but Moses started six games in a row after arriving at Anfield, and contributed a solitary goal on his debut. That's not enough to justify a regular starting place, and like Alberto and Coates, he's going to have to get used to being a squad player.

Moses had a shocker of a game, but I don't blame him - I blame Brendan Rodgers for bringing him in. Rodgers' record with loan signings is, so far, utterly abysmal. The manager could've picked any number of players, but once again, he seemingly went for a comfort deal, i.e. signing someone he'd worked with in the past.

There's a reason why Moses is the perennial squad player at most of the clubs he plays for: he's only good enough to be a squad player! He is not the type of player who is going to take Liverpool to the next level, and if the recent rumours about LFC wanting to make the deal permanent are true, then serious questions need to be asked about Rodgers' judgement.

Why isn't Luis Alberto getting more of a chance? He cost €7m; Moses is on loan. Now is the time to give Alberto an extended run in the team. If he sinks, then so be it, but we'll never know unless he's given the chance.



  1. He was suited better to Chelsea but he should not be in the team on form. I really think Alberto would make things happen in team. Alberto ,Coutinho and another behind Suarez as Sturridge is out .Gerrard and Lucas in middle.

  2. Play this team . Mignolet- Johnson Skrtell Sakho Agger - Henderson Lucas - Gerard Alberto Coutinho - Suarez . Gerrard is still a major threat in an advanced position.

  3. I'm really beginning to think B. Rodgers is the problem.
    When are LFC going to get things right.
    Over to you J. Henry.

  4. Why Lucas has always get the privilige to play week in week out baffles me!

  5. who do you wana see LFC sign this January jaimie?

  6. He should be the first of many to leave but targeting players in January wont be easy,gotta focus on players dying to get to the World Cup,and I don't mean defenders,B Team stars or 'career rejects'.Oh and nobody who's fantastic or incredible.

  7. Rodgers, is was you fault for the defeat.
    play this side on Norwich and see;
    No issues of depth is the matter of selections.

  8. BR's transfer policy is the issue, we have injuries in Sturridge & Coutinho yet the squad have shown an inability to cope. VM had a horrible game, he gambled & he failed. Here's the real crime: Aspas, Alberto, Assaidi, Allen, Borini, Ilori over £50mill spent on players deemed surplus to requirement i.e on loan or on the bench. VM we can give back to Chelski but we're stuck with players whom by BR's admission are not cutting it! Here lies the reason why we've spiralled into the cesspit of mediocrity over the years. Ironically we've accused Man city & Chelsea of buying success, we've bought into mediocrity. JK has shown financial stats which show we've spent like a top 4 team only to end up 6th or 7th!

  9. I don't understand how Rodgers can get the blame for the poor display from Moses. In the last article you said nothing was wrong with the team.

    Moses ran his mouth and then got a chance in the team. His poor performance is down to him, not Rodgers. I definitely agree about Alberto though, Moses should not be prioritised as he is a loan signing and certainly after his last display, Alberto should be ahead of him for the next game.

  10. Moses fault for his performance, but Rodgers' fault for leaving him on the pitch for 70 minutes. It was obvious that Hull were looking most likely to score. We needed to change the momentum. Taking Moses AND Sterling off after 50-55 minutes could have done that. Instead he left it too late & it was too difficult for the subs to make a difference....IMO ;)
