27 Sept 2010

Kenny Dalglish: Clearly a pro-Hicks, anti-Liverpool FC traitor...

I have been arguing for the last few years that Liverpool’s under-performance on the pitch should not be blamed on the easy target of the ongoing ownership situation. Naturally, I have been continuously denigrated for holding such a seemingly inflammatory view. Well, it seems that Liverpool legend Kenny Dalglish agrees with me. Imagine that! Unfortunately, this almost certainly means that a certain idiotic section of the club’s fans now will start calling him 'pro-Hicks', and/or a ‘traitor’.

In his superb column in the Mail on Sunday, Dalglish stated:

"Everyone knows the ownership situation but that should never affect how the players prepare or perform. There is no reason experienced internationals should be distracted from their jobs and they shouldn't need Roy Hodgson to remind them. If the club is up for sale, the best way for players to deal with it is to get results on the pitch and make it a more attractive proposition to buy.

"I never celebrated winning a trophy at Liverpool by thinking: 'It's all down to the owners - they are brilliant.' So if owners don't receive credit then, neither can players look to blame them or anyone else in defeat. Maybe Roy will be able to improve the team if new owners come in by shopping at the more exclusive end of the transfer market. But that doesn't give the current players a get-out to avoid responsibility.

"My message to them would be to leave the business side of things for managing director Christian Purslow to be concerned about. While you find in any walk of life people who don't need much encouragement to find excuses, we don't want them at Liverpool right now."

Absolutely 100% spot on.

It’s so refreshing to hear a senior and respected member of the LFC hierarchy speak the truth publicly for a change.

Using the ownership situation as some kind of ‘get out of jail free’ card for failure on the field was Rafa Benitez’s modus-operandi; he instilled a needless victim culture into the club; which has ultimately led to a negative ‘take no personal responsibility’ culture.

The players, Roy Hodgson, and the backroom staff are to blame for current underperformance on the pitch. End of story.

No one is denying that Hicks and Gillett need to go; of course they do. They are responsible for many things, but player performance is not one of them.
Dalglish’s comments do not make him ‘pro Hicks + Gillett’; or a traitor; or anti-LFC (all accusations that have been leveled against me for espousing the *exact* same view). His comments show he is a reasonable, fair-minded individual with a clear understanding of the real issues.

Not that it makes any difference. Pig-headed fans will continue to be whipped into a frenzy by the likes of SOS, and they’ll continue to be spoon-fed the view that Hicks and Gillett are to blame for the club’s on-field problems.

After all, who the hell is Kenny Dalglish anyway? It’s not like knows what he’s talking about or anything, is it?

EDIT: I thought I'd seen it all...! There are some people who actually believe that this article is an attack on Kenny Dalglish (!) and that the clearly ironic title is literal. It's got to be a joke, right? People cannot be this irretrievably stupid?!

Jaimie Kanwar


  1. What a prat you are Jaimie

  2. Spot on Jaimie, i totally agree with you but reality sometimes it is
    hard to face it ;)

  3. Nice to see you making articles again. I agree with you 100%.

  4. hodgson needs to go. it was better under rafa. we need to get in O'neill whilst he is available.

  5. Im sorry jamie but you cant use the credability of kenny dalglish to justify all the pro hicks and gillet guff you were coming out with months ago you've come back out the woodwork! I was right all along..... bollocks! Where were you during the summer when the h and g bullshit was really shown for what they are! Record profit minimum investment! Shit rolls down hill. Of course its gonna effect the team.
    I also agree with dalglish when he says the players must take responsibility (he has to be positive)but theyre not robots and its not gonna work straight away! 

  6. No were does Kenny say that he is pro Hicks he is just stating the obvious that we need the players to perform that is not an endorsement of the owners even Ali Bongo couldnt make that connection and he could do magic

  7. bob you are a retard! =-X

  8. Don't normally agree with the line this site takes but you're spot-on. As is King Kenny.

    I do hope for new owners, who then appoint Kenny as our manager - I think that's the way forward, but for now the players need to take some pride in the Liver Bird on their chest and play like their (our) lives depend on it.

  9. Further down that column...

    Dalglish says: "<span>It is really important that the debt gets cleared to give people a chance to work and I think it is really important that Roy has a sizeable budget."</span>

    According to you, the debt is irrelevant!

  10. Mish and Ronny are prime examples of the invert ratio between the brain and the mouse, this site is a true representation of the internet shrinking the world into a Global village unfortunatly we also globalise village idiots, this statement is in direct response to ronny who claims I am a retard Im sure he was trying to type custard but got it wrong. 

  11. Kenny, spot on about the players but I'm not backing Kenny for taking charge as many of our fans seem to think he's the new messiah. Kenny, a legend, was 20 years ago and would be step backwards IMO. The game has changed and we as supporters should move on, not living 20 years ago. Anyone who goes to the game will now the atmosphere is flat at the ground and there's too many so called supporters being spoon fed poison by the UK media and then regurgitating it as if it is informed opinion.

    Rafa gave us hope after years of dross, the guy was class and the BEST thing to happen to this club for many years, a proper football genius. Fergie + Mourinho hated him and I think that says something (Rafa could beat them), now Roy is here, he's everyone's friend because he represents no threat.

    I think it's becoming apparent that Rafa over achieved with this squad and think Hodgson is a step or two down. Anyone who thinks we are top 6 club never mind top 4 with this squad, this manager and this board are mental.

    No one fears us anymore.

  12. Hodgson isn't big enough for Liverpool they played gerrard at the back of midfield the whole approach was to defensive it's the worst display I can remember .

  13. dalglish is bound to say nice things about the owners as he is employed by them so dont even go there. dalglish wants to stay at anfield and get the managers job asap ,roy is just interim for now but before kenny can take the helm he needs his pro licence cos he aint got one , and ronny ,  o'neill is NOT the man for liverpool he is a crap manager who has much less experience that woy  and has no reputation to speak of except for upsetting the players he is in charge of as we saw at villa cos when he left how many of them came out and said its a pity he's gone ,NONE OF THEM ,even the fans dont seem too bothered .
    we need kenny to come in short term with thommo and have carra as a player coach so he can be a manager in maybe 2-3 years time

  14. Jamie, you are spot on with most of what you have said. People have to wake up to the reality that the team is simply just not performing as they should be and the ownership of the club has absolutely no influence as to how they perform on the pitch. Yes, investment in the club has not come the way that players and fans expect. But this does not mean that the players out there should perform as badly as they have done.

    LFC are in a totally different situation compared to other clubs, where ownership has ruined them. Take Portsmouth for instance. Here you can say the ownership situation did influence performance because the players werent even getting paid. They didnt even know if they were going to be paid for months. But still, their performances at times seemed more heart-felt for the club than any of the performances that the players are producing this season or even last season.

    The fact is.. LFC players are getting their full salary packages to perform. They cannot blame anyone else but themselves.
    Another fact... Even if LFC do get new owners now... The transfer market only opens again in January, thats 3 months away. What are they saying? That for the next 3 months we must watch and suffer through their rubbish performances and just accept it saying that because of non-investment hence performances are like that? So what does that mean? They are not worthy of the shirt and should be packed off ASAP because thats the kind of performances they putting in.
    I would like to see them play with some heart. Go into challenges and tackles like you really want the ball. Push forward like you mean to score and go into games with real intent of winning because teams are losing respect for LFC and know they can come to Anfield and get a positive result instead we should of been scaring every team away with showing some guts for the Badge... thats what fans want...
    LFC.. YNWA

  15. Welcome back, Jaimie. good article to start the ball rolling again. Just as a little aside, wasn't it great to see Old Rednose's protege moaning about lack of sportsmanship after conceding the first goal yesterday. Don't exactly remember him castigating the referee over the beach-ball goal !

  16. kanwar talks shi7e7:44 pm, September 26, 2010

    kanwarr , i really cant believe people fall for your crap. you never ever go the match and neither do your followers.FACT

  17. Sacking Rafa was a massive mistake, thats the bottom line.

  18. It is truth that Liverpool should be playing better even with unclear ownership situation but this one was not so much pro Hick as it was anti Hodgson and I for one agree with it.

    Let's hope the bank is not too simaptetic to Hick's greed and sales the club for a realistic price.

  19. Sadrobot, explain your bottom line then, you think it would be better if Gerrard, Torros, Agger, and a few more had left, and we had kept the great Rafa

  20. I can understand how readers may get frustrated with your comments. Numerous times before you have tried to draw loose conclusions that Benitez was a failure and that Hicks and Gillett were not to blame for the teams under achievement.

    First of all Kenny is right and I think that the players must perform regardless of on-going ownership issues. It is their responsibility to perform as they are rewarded hansomly for their contributions.

    However we can't forget that it will be a huge distraction to the team, with the slim possibility of point deduction enforced if RBS seize control, owners that continue to bleed the club dry. They will be extremely concerned as to whether one the club can attract and/or finance big money transfers, whether they will face the possibility of losing further star players. We have to remember how people react when a company they work for has redunancies, financial instability. Do you stay or do you look to escape before the collapse?

    Hicks and Gillett made promises yet again which were broken "massive investment over the summer"! As far as I'm aware we yet again made a profit in the transfer window!! They are the problem!

    I hope Roy turns it around but everyone who slagged off Benitez can see it is not just the management of the team and Benitez did a good job but suffered for one bad season!! Benitez won 2 La ligas, uefa cups, Champions League- what has Roy won?

    Defensively we are shocking! Same situation at the start of last season and confidence drops and they fail to perform!! Same story different year!

  21. Bang on as usual Jamie

  22. another asshole thinking he has the devine right to say whose a supporter and whose not. get real lad.

  23. Too easy to point the finger and it's too easy to blame Hodgson after six games and a difficult start of season.
    Six Yrs ago, When He took charge, Rafa spent almost 20ml of pounds plus money from the player sales, to build his own squad.
    Roy ineherited a small team which needs large improvementes, as an irresponsible pair of americans loades millions of debts into the Club.
    People forget that Roy is doing the dealer & wheeler with an unknown budget.
    People are so quick to blame & insult and I don't understand why people are so hurry to see fantastic results under these impossibile & hard conditions.
    True LFC Supporters know their real role: support the Club, the Lads and The Man in Charge under these extremely difficult conditions but the so - called facebook & internet fans They don't know what means the support this Great Club.
    Without money Roy brings in the likes of WC play maker like Raul Meireles, and other good players like Joe Cole.
    Liverpool needs time to re-assest new tactics & new players.
    Football is not an easy business like so - called genius Fans they think.
    I suggest you to take reins of a Club with £234ml of financial debts.
    Roy Hodgson & Lads needs love, confidence & support by the True LFC Fans.
    So called idiots & knee jerks fans are urged to support rich Clubs like Manchester City, Chelsea or Real Madrid.
    We don't love Liverpool because Liverpool is a rich & glorious Club, We love Liverpool because is Liverpool and We support our beloved Club untile We die.
    Rafa, Rafa, Rafa, can I suggest You to support Inter Milan instead of our beloved Liverpool Football Club?

  24. And you seem to be suffering from NBPE, lad.

    Instead of venturing an opinion of your own you just use your two-penneth to talk down others.

    I fail to see the problem with what I said if truth be told. Kenny IS right, the players need to leave the boardroom shite in the dressing room. The sooner the two leeches have gone the better too.

    C'mon soft lad, where's the idiocy in that?


  25. Oh right.

    I think I get it now.

    Did you, with your very chilly, very lonely braincell take the headline to this story seriously, rather than the very clear sarcastic remark it is?

  26. Stoneleech I take my hat of too you you summed so much up in a few words well said, I also think this article was written to try and make Kenny Jaimies new Rafa to deflect from the truth that he can not see or just ignores H&G have done more damage to this club than any other event in modern history including 2 world wars and Thatcher and the S88 ever did

  27. The performance on the pitch is down to the players and manager? Of course it is, no-one could disagree with that.
    However, when a club is in as dire-straights as ours is, of course it affects you. I can't sleep at night worrying about where the club is headed, or even (forgive me for being melodramatic) if we will still have a club at this rate. All this talk of Hicks sticking around is a massive concern, and it affects the supporters, players, and everyone else connected with the club.
    The players that have been sold have been replaced by those of mediocre quality, at best, all because we have been forced to make a profit in transfer windows. This obviously affects players - if you know you have quality, and sub-standard players are all around, you are bound to lose faith.
    This is not an excuse for the performances this season, they still have to put a shift in. But this does not absolve those American b*stards of the what they have done to our club. They need to leave, without the profit they crave but don't deserve.
    And they can take any apologists with them.

  28. Mish mash mish mas mash loves Jaimie, you silly boy

  29. No what Kanwar is trying to create is another pyriah just like he did with Rafa,you are just a very silly boy

  30. totally agree,
    but is the insinuation not that the off field issues SHOULD not affect performances, but infact maybe are
    "Everyone knows the ownership situation but that *should* never affect how the players prepare or perform"<span></span> ..
    hence these words from kenny? a rallying cry of sorts perhaps..
    its not an excuse but it could quite possibly be a factor?

  31. bollocks mate the mere fact of kenny backing the blatent liar which is cecil the snake is disgusting , referring to 20 years ago i think owners have a much bigger part to play now than then kenny even contradicted this by saying roy could shop more exclusive with new owners in place a luxery which rafa did not have in his last 2 years.just because its kenny does not mean he is automatically right i think the man has hidden agendas hence his reccommendation of the clearly out of his depth roy hodgson

  32. Nice to see you back. Jamie. 
    I was wondering where you were as since Benitez was sacked, you went quiet which made me think you had accomplished your mission. That was something which ofcourse the owners wanted all along but waited for the right time to do it.
    And now is Daglish pro Hicks and Gillette. I dont think so. I am pretty sure that The owners are not pro Daglish as they never consider him for the job as they didnot want another mamger popular with fan.
    you  claim that you are agaisnt the owners however you attacked benitex , SOS or anyone who stood agaisnt the owners and now make a comeback by saying Daglish is pro them. makes me wonder if you have some cooncetion to the yanks.......
    your reason about Daglish being pro them is really so irrational.  i agree with daglsih comments but that does not make me pro yanks.
    Thanks Mo

  33. how refreshing to see the self serving nefralites spout more nonscence in the face of such troubled waters for LFC

    nado will go so will gerrard and if were lucky pepe may give us another year - hello mediocrity !

  34. Of course you can provide the proof that this mass exodus would have happened as you suggest it would. Im sure Agger is much happier now sat on the bench, Torres must be overjoyed spending every match 50 yards from the nearest midfield player.

    Maybe Rafas time was up, but replacing him with someone so clearly out of his depth has only made things worse.

  35. YES JAMIE! Spot on, ive been saying it for 20 years!!! why cant the players take responsibility for wearing the red shirt rather than make up shitty excuses.  About time we did the talking on the pitch!!!

  36. u cant put himself in same league as Kenny. i also see that your appel to join blasting spirit of shankly on fb are reduced. u were wrong jamie. g n h are bad guys although u dont think that.

  37. I DO see where you are coming from BUT !  while players and managers need to take responsibility, the owners ARE at fault ASWELL!  the old maxim says 'money doesn't gauarantee success' but in paradox the opposite is equally valid. NOT spending money GUARANTEES NO success. For Example: Even with a genius manager and spot-on attitudes all-round ... 11x £1m players could not win the league. it'd be impossible. in MOST cases (unknown players from small places and bosmans aside) if a player is good enough to play regularly in a competative team, his price will reflect that.  Did Rafa make mistakes? yes lots, have players underachieved yes (babel anyone?) BUT had Hicks bought City, and the Saudi's bought our club, spending hand-over-fist for Suarez, Aguero, Hazard, Banega, Martinez, Turan etc etc the table would look VERY different... and Rafa would never have even considered punts on Dossena, Degen, Voronin etc. In short... Kenny can say what he likes, great managers at poor clubs will ALWAYS win fewer trophys that good managers at rich clubs. After all Kenny, you last won the league in '95 with the man city of the day in terms of spending

  38. The be-all-and-end-all of the owners fault debate?

    if you'd been given the clubs squad list on july 1st...
    told your breif was to assemble a team with "as good a chance as anyone" of winning the league

    and told to cross out who you'd sell and pencil in who you'd buy...

    would it result in more money out than in?

    if not? your either the greatest football mind ever... or overly optimistic to the point of dilusion.

    if so? you are admitting that the title is made impossible by the owners

  39. For once I agree with you JK!

    Dalglish talks a lot of sense.

  40. As I stated in my original post, I'm not a follower or fan of this site or its opinions. I find my way over here on rare occasions courtesy of Newsnow.

    I'm fully aware of the authors track record and his ridiculous comments over Benitez but on this point there isn't really any way to spin it, other than the way it is. King Kenny will never be a pariah, he's earned the respect Reds give him, through his blood, sweat and tears.

    Anyone who thinks a no-mark fanzine can 'create a pariah' out of him needs their bumps felt..that or they need to learn a little bit about the club. F***ing OOTer.

    As for the attempt at condescension with the 'boy' comment: Nice garnish to a ridiculous post from someone who clearly doesn't know their arsehole from their elbow. I won't do the internet tough-guy thing because its pointless but if you want to give me a shout next time you turn out for a game I'll explain things to you personally.

  41. Bob, do you seriously not get the obvious irony of the headline?  The article is clearly supporting Kenny's comments, not criticising them.

  42. I don't need anyone else to see this, just you.
    You're a pretty bad human being.
    Of course you won't get that, but it would make a world of good to you.

  43. Completely agree - there's no excuse for Liverpool's players not putting in 110%.  They are living the dream;  they're still getting paid, still getting bonues.  Some of them just cannot be bothered, and that's unacceptable.

  44. I agree with you that the Ownership situation may be a distraction, but I sincerely doubt it's a distraction for the reasons most people think.  Footballers are selfish - all they care about is themselves.  That's a generalisation, but in this case, I think there's truth to it. Some of Liverpool's players will be more concerned about pay rises; how they are perceived by others; potential transfers at the end of the season/January etc rather than focusing on the now and giving everything they can.

    It's not like their jobs are at stake, is it?!  They have absolutely nothing to fear in that regard.  They'll still receive their in flated paypackets every months, and all the usual pampering they get.  All they have to do is play football for god's sake, not negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine.

    If the playres can't do that, and they're too self absorbed to put in the effort, then they deserve all the criticism they get.

  45. Hey Claonadh - I think you're right: the off-field situation is a factor, but it seems to me that some of our players are using it as an excuse to not put in the proper effort.  it shouldn't be that way.  The sad reality is that very few of Liverpool's players are actually playing for the badge; playing for the club.  if they were, we'd be seeing blood, sweat and tears on the pitch, and we're not.

    Hodgson has to take some of the blame for not getting the best out of the team so far, but it's early days yet, and he's still basically operating with Benitez's squad.  Things will probably get worse before they get better, but things will definitely change for the better at some stage.

  46. Mo - Please read the article again; I have not said Dalglish is pro-Owner.  I can't believe people are misinterpreting this.

    The Benitez era left me disillusioned about football so I needed to take a break.  It was a horrible time to be Liverpool fan (IMO) - Thank god it's over.

  47. Peter from Perth WAust2:42 am, September 27, 2010

    <span><span><span>Jaimie Kanwar was it not you who was also singing the praises of the Yanks and also claiming that LFC is financially stable and it was the Yanks who were holding the debt but now the board are stating that you know sweet FA and that LFC are holding all the debt.

  48. Sarcasm doesn't work in print u moppet

  49. Jaimie, so you reckon it is not a horrible time now? Go check the table and also our ownership issue. Shame on you and such hipocrisy!

  50. Jaimie, don't edit my posts to make them reflect positively, or less critically upon your site. It's dishonest.

    The criticism wasn't profane or unfounded. It was polite opinion. If you don't like it, stop writing in the public domain.

  51. Even deleting ny non offensive comment... Well What an ........

  52. The point is that Purslow gets it in the neck for nothing more than he was appointed by H & G and thus must be bad !

    Spirit of Shankly disgust me with their aggressive stance. No wonder Hicks doesn't mind taking us to the cleaners - he has no comitment to LFC other than in money terms and think about it - if some group of burger flippers started issuing your family death threats, wou wouldn't give one fig about the future of osme club in a faraway land playing a sport you don't understand

  53. Jamie,

    The current squad that Hodgeson inherited is the same squad that two season ago nearly won the title (bar the sale of Alonso and Mascherano). This squad is more than good enough to be playing better then it is so why isn't it? IMO the ownership issue is an important factor because it has breeded uncertainty which in my view has led to a lack of confidence in the squad. This uncertainty I believe has had an impact on the manager that we were able to recruit i.e. Hodgson a crisis manager rather than someone who will genuinely take the club forward over the next 3-4 yrs. 

    Coming back to the squad. I was pissed off with Hodgeson when he bemoaned the ownership problems for the lack of fight and performance from the squad. I felt the same way when Benitez did this but at least at the time Benitez had an excuse that he joined the club before H&G took over and had seen things deteriorate over time... Hodgeson knew what he was walking into and so has no excuses.

    In fact Hodgeson had an opportunity to strengthen and instead imo wasted money purchasing poulsen, konchesky a decent performer but with insua a younger player with pace who will only get better what was the point? Instead we should have used the money to buy a striker to take the pressure off Torres and again for the second season we didn't. Now it may be that the targets we approached have been scared off given LFC's problems but if that was the case then why did Joe Cole come to LFC? I think it says something about how far LFC have fallen when on the day of the transfer window closing we are scrathing around trying to sigh Carlton Cole and having to use Babel as a makeweight.

  54. Jaime I do not think you do irony, I think you do bitter, what Kenny said was right the players have to give 100% on the pitch any fan of any club would find no fault in that, But your head line is a crass attempt to sling mud and make it stick  that sort of thing is very remenisent of S*n headlines so go back read Kennys statment again write a new headline because nowere does he state that he backs the current owners its more defamation than irony.

  55. Jamie you are a coward, you will reply to bobs comments as he is obviously wrong, try replying to Roxy. I need not repeat his sentiments, just know that I agree with them. I am really sorry to see you writing again

  56. No, it's not a horrible time now.  If we'd won 5 out of our 6 league games so far, would you still be saying it's a horrible time?!  No.

    it's a bad start to the season.  It will get better. Stop being so fickle.

  57. Bob, if you seriously see this article as an attack on Dalglish then you really need some urgent comprehension training.  You just don't get it.  Oh well, that's your problem, not mine.

  58. I hope it will get better. I don't blame Roy. And King Kenny was spot on with his comment. And he is without doubt, PRO-LIVERPOOL FC and not Hicks. Obviously, the players especially the seniors have to buck up. Stevie is showing the example. Kuyt is back. Carra (I love him) need to give way to the younger players to take up his place. Torres...I don't know what to say. Come on Liverpoll!  And to Rafa-haters, F you!

  59. They players should take responsibility YET at the same time, you have players like Pepe and Nando expressing their concerns over the future of the club. Players came or remained at Liverpool to challenge for the league and were promised big signings an example of Liverpool's intent and ambitions. None have been forthcoming leading players to question their future. In any productive environment, people within that establishment or organisation need to be settled. It is hard to be settled if you are unsure if you want to remain at an organisation. It is hard to remain focused.

    The players will all be praying for a takeover backed by a credible financier. If Liverpool remain within the hands of the current owners, or one of them, they will be deeply disappointed. Liverpool will not be able to mount a challenge without adequate funding. Stevie G and Carra applauding the fans for their sit in protest clearly indicates that the situation of ownership is on the forefront of players minds. To state that the ownership of Liverpool has no bearing on the the pitch is myopic. 

    But the players do have to stand up and be counted. There is no denying that. It was interesting to see that all 3 goals conceded to MU were balls into the box. Liverpool have played zonal under Benitez's reign and have now switched to man marking. There are changes in the approach and methodology that will take players time to adjust too. I don't think Roy knows who he can trust to get the job done. Northampton testified to that. I was not holding out for a champions league spot this season. It is beyond our reach if you compare our squad to our rivals. We need investment if we are to mount a credible challenge. We need stability if we are to fully focus on the job at hand which is getting results on the pitch. That can only happen with a change in ownership. 

    Benitez's legacy is not over yet. There are some promising youngsters coming through the ranks. Benitez changed our archaic youth development and he should be given a lot of credit for that. The Champions League Final was the most memorable sporting event of my life. I will always be grateful for that. 

  60. But Jamie, we haven't won 5 out of our 6 games, we've won 1 out of our 6 games. We've been playing dreadful football. That's a massive IF you use there.

    We've got Hicks still desperately trying to cling onto the club, trying to get finance that will cover his debt but nothing else - not players, not a stadium.

    We're in 16th place in the Premier League - just 3 points off the bottom. We're showing no signs of improvement - if anything its the complete opposite.  

    Yet you think the bad times are over? I think you should go back into hibernation, I think you've just woken from dreamland.

  61. Apologies, spelt your name wrong, Jaimie.

  62. "Everyone knows the ownership situation but that should never affect how the players prepare or perform. There is no reason experienced internationals should be distracted from their jobs and they shouldn't need Roy Hodgson to remind them. If the club is up for sale, the best way for players to deal with it is to get results on the pitch and make it a more attractive proposition to buy.

    "I never celebrated winning a trophy at Liverpool by thinking: 'It's all down to the owners - they are brilliant.' So if owners don't receive credit then, neither can players look to blame them or anyone else in defeat. Maybe Roy will be able to improve the team if new owners come in by shopping at the more exclusive end of the transfer market. But that doesn't give the current players a get-out to avoid responsibility.

    "My message to them would be to leave the business side of things for managing director Christian Purslow to be concerned about. While you find in any walk of life people who don't need much encouragement to find excuses, we don't want them at Liverpool right now."

    The above was copied direct from your article the only person that has read into that statement that Kenny supports the ownwers is you and what you have to comprehend is that many Liverpool Fans understand the poison and twisted things that you have said about the club
    and we do not see irony in your headline only mischief

  63. I think that The King is right to try and give a rallying call to the players. Off course the players have to take responsibility for their performances, just like Houdgson have his part to play. However, no matter how much money the players get in wages, they will still always be human. On and off field matters will have a psycological bearing on the next game. When I read King Kenny's words I se it as an encouragement to the players, to pick them selfes up, because they are in a long time slump.

  64. True,  I do still believe the squad is better than what it is showing, and though it has been weakened in the past two years, a competitive Liverpool in every game is still a realistic target id like to think!
    I do believe that in time Hodgson will turn things around, he had quite a slow start at Fulham too.  Come christmas I would like to see us performing near enough peak standard though. Which, with a big chunk of luck, could see us back in the top 4!

    Enjoying your return, nothing like a raging debate!! we're polar opposites in some respects but I atleast understand your angle while also sharing quite a few views!

  65. Stoneleech you are absolutely SPOT ON.I suppose we can't blame Rafa anymore.Some people spent just about the whole of last season on rafa's back some of the drivel unbelievable.Now he is gone we have dropped currently 9 spots with a few more on the horison i guarantee.We are rubbish and all the so called ex-players have gone very quiet.And we play 2 holding midfielders eg:Poulsen and Lucas @home against WestBrom,Great tactics.Torres saved us.Oh I forgot Roy is an erudite fellow.He didn't even protect Torres after the Mancs suggested that he was a diver????2 days later apologies all around for lack of bottle no wonder everybody loves Roy he is harmless 1 bad season and the best  manager we have had for a long awhile is gone.Great european nights are gone forever.Scoring 4 or more  per game GONE!No more wins away from Home the future.Jan 2011 is going to be painful.We now also defend Man-Marking great we now have -GD(Goal Difference).Andy Gray is very quiet.Jamie redknapp seen him anywhere?And believe it  or not a DRAW is acceptable!What rubbish!YNWA

  66. What players do you thing are not putting in the effort? it is easy to make vauge statements please back it up.

  67.  for five years jaimie blamed the manager and not the owners now he blames the players and not the owners who will you blame next the supportes? 

  68. Not the supporters, just you.  YOU'RE TO BLAME!

  69. I disagree. Kenny is just telling it how it is. The players we have have all underperformed but still get full pay.

  70. Why me ! I am a woking class supporter from Liverpool over the years (since 1965) I have spent thousands of pounds following Liverpool Football Club what have you or H & G done that is positive in anyway to the Club all I recall you saying is look at the positives that H & G bring on numerous occassions you have said the debt will not harm the club when even a blind man could see whats coming, but hey its MY FAULT so I will repay the owners debt I will add it on to my already crippling mortgage and work overtime every Satuday and miss the game until I have paid back every penny of the crippling debt that my life long support has placed on the club. Thanks for making me understand Jaimie I and millions of Reds will be eternaly greatfull for your wonderful support and understang of the owners 

  71. Good article Jamie.  I totally agree with you.

    I still think you're a c**t.

  72. At the moment there are no others potential investors or owners for the Club and Liverpool are struggling to re-assest new team & new tactics.
    The situation is extremely difficult and requires full commitment to the cause by the players.
    At least Liverpool's fans, and Liverpool's tradition deserve full commitment and Liverpool can't accept gloom agenda by Fernando Torres & CO.
    Tomorrow We won't find a new proper buyer: nobody can change the sad reality.
    So Should We stop to play football because Fernandito is unhappy?
    I prefer to see a Young Local Striker, fully commited to the cause, rather than an unhappy star.
    Put Your bags If You are not commited to Liverpool Football Club.

  73. You are a Hicks and Gillette apologist - your article that "Hicks and Gillette did not promise a spade in the ground in 60 days" is a disgrace.

    Who's pocket are you in.

  74. Why did you delete my last comment Jaimie? Did I hit too close to the bone?

    I will ask you again - why did you defend Gillette and Hicks for their "60 days in the ground" comment? Why did you post an article saying that they never promised a spade in the ground within 60 days?

    No Liverpool supporter could defend G & H, so why have you? Are you afraid of answering this simple question, instead preferring to hide being your moderating methods?

    If you are going to post such contentious material you should have the courage of your convictions to defend it. 

    So, what say you?

  75. Jeez, Bob.  You really don't have any concept of irony, do you?!  I thought it was a joke at first but it's real.  First, you misinterpret my obviously ironic post title about Dalglish; now you think I'm really going to blame you specifically...

    Hilarious! But kind of depressing too.

  76. Well, well Hicks and Gillett's rent boy boy is back fresh from his summer holidays.

    We showed that Jamie was a PR back stabber paid by the owners to masquerade as a fan and here he is again.

    Of course Rafa's gone now so Jamie will be stabbing the real Reds fans in the back every time there's talk of protests or getting the cancer out of our club.

  77. I agree with King Kenny but that does not mean I support Jaimie Kanwar's statement. LOL. Just pulling your legs Jaimie. Keep writing. Good stuff, pal.

  78. Haha.  A common response on this site :-D

  79. Debate is what it's all about - if everyone agreed with everyone else life would be pretty dull. 

    I think a competitive Liverpool in every game is the least fans should expect.  Whatever the quality of the team, injuries, off-field problems etc, the players that set foot on the field should be giving 110%; fighting for every ball; showing their desire and pride at playing for the club.

    That used to be a given; why is these days, that expectation is more like an ideal?

    6 games gone; we're 5 points off 4th place; like last season, no team looks like they're going to run away with it.  Chelsea lost as soon as they had a moderately hard game.  Man U, City, Spurs and Arsenal have all shown their frailties.  By Christmas, the table will have a completely different complexion, and I'm sure Liverpool will be in the top 4, or just outside, ready for a final push in the last few months of the season.

  80. *shoots self*

  81. Welcome back Jaimie (a true Devil's Advocate), your posts often seem quite miscievous and provocatively vague but they do create a stir and a debate. In fact this is the only site i ever bother to post on.

    Can you please explain were the money for interest payments comes from? Does any money come from the club to cover them?

    Is it fair to say that this section from Purslow interview answer above questions?

    Equally it is true that far too much of that benefit currently services loans, interest costs and bank charges. Can we afford to meet them? Just about. Do I wish that every penny spent on interest was available to spend on players? Passionately, and every minute of my working day I look for the day we are able to reduce our debt, freeing up our profits to be able to invest on players.

    Moores claimed that he could not move the club forward but had we stayed in his charge we would surely be far better off, we would at least not be paying draining interest charges. However, I do accept that commercials seem to have greatly improved under current regime

    Who are the miracle new owners going to be?

    Surely the only way to get back to the top is to have owners that can match Man City's, but I have mixed feelings about "buying" success, we all would like to perform soundly on the pitch and as a business

    We have a few options

    1) Another leveraged buy out style of ownership, as is common in all business practices the world over, will the bank care who it sells to? - unattractive as the same situation we are currently experiencing will arise

    2) Some kind of fan based buy out, are the appropriate groups ready to roll into action, probably not - the German model would be a good idea,  51% fan ownership. That would require just £150 million fan money if RBS take the club back

    3) Crazy Doctor Evil style billionaire buyer ( Man city, Chelsea)

    4) David Moores comeback, maybe in partnership with fan ownership?

    UEFA's attempts to limit spending may eventually allow Liverpool to compete under "normal" practices but there is simply no way that a realistic business person will buy into Liverpool now

    We need a 40% of turnover salary cap limit introduced ASAP, Man City currently spend 97% of turnover on salaries

  82. Mish - please read the comment policy. 


    It quite clearly states:

    This site promotes civilised, respectful debate - anyone who cannot argue their points without resorting to sniping/derogatory comments will be <span>banned</span>.

    Comments are NEVER deleted just because a commentor disagrees with the views of one of the site's writers. Disagreement is welcome!

    Having said that, the following <span>WILL</span> be deleted:

    1. Derogatory comments about any of the authors, the site or other users.

    Any posts that slag off the site are ordinarily deleted.  I edited the insults out of yours.  It's not about reflecting 'less critically' on the site; this site is about debate, not sniping.  If people don't like this site, don't visit.  I reserve the right to keep the comments on track, i.e. focusing on whatever issue/s are being discussed.

  83. "Hicks and Gillett's rent boy"

    Haha - made me laugh that did :)

    Re this:

    We showed that Jamie was a PR back stabber paid by the owners to masquerade as a fan and here he is again.

    Really?  That's news to me!  Please provide the so-called proof to above statement, and let's debate it (i.e. I'll totally discredit it in about 5 seconds flat).

    This tedious notion that I'm somehow paid by Hicks and Gillett is so ludicrous only a fool would even think it. 

    So - I challenge you to back up the above statement with facts and proof.  You won't be able to of course, because it's BS.

  84. Read the article *properly* then we'll debate it.  Your half-baked, inaccurate summation of what it was actually about just shows that you failed to comprehend the obvious.  You're in denial, like so many others; so desperate to demonise the ownes that you can't see the wood for the trees.

  85. Kenny is right he speaks the truth and was bang right to say what he did. At the end of the day the teams performaces stops at the managers door not the boards. The manager works with the players day to day not the board. Rafa use to blame the owners for the teams performances last season and people crticised him for it so i see no different here with Roy. A few days before the Sunderland match Roy was goin on about the fans are not helping by protesting its a hinderance etc, then Kenny and Gerrard in another paper, said what the fans are doing is right, and what does Roy do the day of the game changes his tune and says the fans have a right to protest and he wants the ownership saga resolved soon as possible. Id love to see Martin O'Neil come in, but we aint a sacking club so i don't expect it to happen before the season finishes if it does happen......YNWA

  86. I will presume by your comments here that you cannot in any way condone your defending of Gillette and Hicks.

    What am I in denial of? That Gillette and Hicks bought the club when it was £44M in debt, and that figure has now spiralled to at the very least £270M? That the club faces administration? No money on players? Operating under a sell to buy policy and turning in a profit the last 3 transfer windows?

    97% of fans recently voted that administration would be a better option that G & H remaining in power. I don't need to demonise them, they have done that themselves by being the worst custodians of the club in it's History.

    So Jaimie, what am I in denial of exactly?

  87. Jaimie, the word I used was ridiculous. Which means 'provoking of ridicule' - it was apt usage in every sense of the word, as you received a lot of ridicule for your opinion on Benitez. It doesn't come down to personal opinion or attacks on the site. It comes down to you cesoring words even when they written correctly because you have got the chops to stand up to even creative criticism, evidently.

    "<span>ridiculous</span> <span>adj</span><span>.</span> provoking or deserving ridicule; silly or absurd."

    It wasn't sniping. If I was sniping I would have said something a lot more offensive.

  88. Jaimie, the word I used was ridiculous. Which means 'provoking of ridicule' - it was apt usage in every sense of the word, as you received a lot of ridicule for your opinion on Benitez. It doesn't come down to personal opinion or attacks on the site. It comes down to you censoring words even when they're used correctly because you haven't got the chops to stand up to even creative criticism, evidently.  
    "<span>ridiculous</span> <span>adj</span><span>.</span> provoking or deserving ridicule; silly or absurd."  
    It wasn't sniping. If I was sniping I would have said something a lot more offensive.<span>

  89. There's no point debating this as you're making pointless generalisations.  Tell me exacly how I defended Hicks and Gillett, and for what specific reasons.  Then, when you have something specific, then we'll discuss it.

    You saying 'you defended H+G' without context means nothing.  I defend anyone connected with the club if it's warranted, and that includes the owners.

    The are nuances here that you seem (deliberately) incapable of grasping.  For example, the 'spade in the ground within 60 days' article - isolate what *exactly* in that article you object to, then we'll take it from there; don't just wade in and say 'it's a disgrace' - that just proves you haven't read the argument I presented.

    You are in denial over you inability to be onbjective and look at events connected with the club fairly.  For you, if it involves H+G then it must mean they're lying/cheating/doing something wrong etc.

    There is not point discussing things with people like you because you have tunnel vision. 

    Hicks and Gillett deserve criticism for many things, but if you're going to criticise them, do it fairly, and with FACTS, not exaggeration, falsity and unfounded conjecture.

    Debt is a part of mondern football.  Deal with it.  Man United have far more debt that we do yet they won the league 3 years in a row.  It's about proper management of the finances you have, and as a result of the abject failure of Benitez in the transfer market, Liverpool are suffering now.

    The transfer fund belt has been tightened for the last 3 transfer windows because Benitez could not be trusted with more money.  He'd wasted so much that the board had no faith in him.  The reason there was no money for transfers in the most recent window is because of a potential takeover; the club isn't going to splash huge sums on players that might be wanted by the new regime.  This is OBVIOUS, but keep making a lame conspiracy theory out of it if you must.

    Your point about profit in the transfer windows has no weight anyway - Benitez still spend shedloads of money along the way, or does that suddenly not matter.

    Most of the profit was made from Alonso, who was sold because he was pushed out by Benitez.  he wasn't sold because the club wanted him to go; so take away the Alonso cash, and your point becomes even less valid.

    And once again: I want Hicks and Gillett out too (and I've stated that a thousand times on this site, and elsewhere), I just won't resort to lies, deception, exaggeration and thug tactics to achieve that.

  90. There's no point debating this as you're making pointless generalisations.  Tell me exacly how I defended Hicks and Gillett, and for what specific reasons.  Then, when you have something specific, then we'll discuss it.  
    You saying 'you defended H+G' without context means nothing.  I defend anyone connected with the club if it's warranted, and that includes the owners.  
    The are nuances here that you seem (deliberately) incapable of grasping.  For example, the 'spade in the ground within 60 days' article - isolate what *exactly* in that article you object to, then we'll take it from there; don't just wade in and say 'it's a disgrace' - that just proves you haven't read the argument I presented.  
    You are in denial over you inability to be onbjective and look at events connected with the club fairly.  For you, if it involves H+G then it must mean they're lying/cheating/doing something wrong etc.  
    There is not point discussing things with people like you because you have tunnel vision.   
    Hicks and Gillett deserve criticism for many things, but if you're going to criticise them, do it fairly, and with FACTS, not exaggeration, falsity and unfounded conjecture.  
    Debt is a part of mondern football.  Deal with it.  Man United have far more debt that we do yet they won the league 3 years in a row.  It's about proper management of the finances you have, and as a result of the abject failure of Benitez in the transfer market, Liverpool are suffering now.  
    The transfer fund belt has been tightened for the last 3 transfer windows because Benitez could not be trusted with more money.  He'd wasted so much that the board had no faith in him.  The reason there was no money for transfers in the most recent window is because of a potential takeover; the club isn't going to splash huge sums on players that might not be wanted by the new regime.  This is OBVIOUS, but keep making a lame conspiracy theory out of it if you must.  
    Your point about profit in the transfer windows has no weight anyway - Benitez still spend shedloads of money along the way, or does that suddenly not matter.  
    Most of the profit was made from Alonso, who was sold because he was pushed out by Benitez.  he wasn't sold because the club wanted him to go; so take away the Alonso cash, and your point becomes even less valid.  
    And once again: I want Hicks and Gillett out too (and I've stated that a thousand times on this site, and elsewhere), I just won't resort to lies, deception, exaggeration and thug tactics to achieve that.

    if you want to debate the issues, then come up with a coherent argument.  If you continue to snipe, slag off me/and or the site, or suggest I'm paid by the owners, I'll delete your posts.  And if you or anyone else has a problem with that, tough luck.

  91. Mish - this is your original post:

    As I stated in my original post, I'm not a follower or fan of this site or its opinions. I find my way over here on rare occasions courtesy of Newsnow.

    I'm fully aware of the authors track record and his ridiculous comments over Benitez...

    Anyone who thinks a no-mark fanzine can 'create a pariah' out of him...

    It's not a case of me taking offence because I don't.  There are hundreds of LFC forums out there that descend into this kind of sniping; this site is not going to go the same way.  You may think it's harsh, but I'm interested in intelligent debate, not sniping comments like the above.

    If you think this is a 'no-mark fanzine' and what I write is 'ridiculous' then what's the point in coming here at all.

    You're more than welcome to vehemently criticise my views; tear everything I write apart if you want - just do it in the right way. 

    If people can't do that then their posts will continue to be deleted/edited.

    I never, ever delete posts that disagree with me; I only delete posts that slag off the site/and/or me and other posters.

    For those who have interesting things to say, I sometimes edit out the insults/sniping instead of deleting (in the interests of furthering debate).

    Finally, re 'ridicule' - just because a person's views receive 'ridicule' does not make their views objectively ridiculous.  I get slagged off because *shock horror* I have a mind of my own and I don't follow the crowd and regurgitate the prevailing view of the day.  If people can't hack that then I suggest they stop being automatons; stop being spoonfed their views and opinions, and start thinking for themselves.

  92. Firstly, whether you argue it or not, the word ridiculous is correct. Your outlandish criticism of the previous manager got you ridiculed, vociferously and often.

    I understand more your removal of the 'no-mark' comment, but I stand by it. Sports fanzines are ten-a-penny and unless they're official or offer something unique they're no-mark. Harsh but fair.

    The fact is, I've clicked onto your site on more than a couple of occasions via the news aggregator that I mentioned. You routinely offer inflammatory comments with little substance but now and again, you post something thought provoking and worthy of a read. I'm happy to sort through the chaff for the odd speck of wheat.

    Your inflammatory nature I can live with, but the being an opinion-suppressing fascist in your little web fiefdom I find harder to swallow.

  93. cant u shoot bob instead


    irony, noun, the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning....

    i agree with kenny 100% here by the way

  94. Mish I retract my previous comments and now applaud you

  95. agreed, i can forgive gettin beaten by the better team, i can forgive players having off days, but i can never forgive a player not giving his all, that is the worst sin in football, to me worse than diving cheating etc....

  96. No Jaimie the only mention in the Kenny article that makes reference to the owners is  "Everyone knows the ownership situation" that is not an endorsement of the owners, my issue is with your headline it isot Ironic as you claim but once again a negative approach to LFC if you had a track record of being positive I may have seen something else but all I see is another snide attempt at dragging another LFC great into your negative agenda. 

  97. I thought my reply was tounge in cheek it just goes to show you live in a very blinkered one dimensional world, I do understand irony but I believe you would like to create another scapegoat as your record of the past contains so few (you will now say look at my positive articles)

    P.s hope you get over your depression apparently St Johnswort is a good natural remedy but you will more than likley have something against him too. 

  98. Bob - Benitez is *still* the scapegoat, so why would I need a new one?! :-D

    And as for St John..You're right, I know him, and he's a tosser.  Screw him and his 'Wort'.

  99. You will need a new one (scapegoat) because Roy Hodgson is an average manager with a lot of average players some he inherited from Rafa and some like Poulson and Konchesky he has bought himself but like Rafa before him the constraints on spending immposed by the owners mean we will only buy average players but unlike Rafa who exceeded in the job Roy will fail as we are starting to see already so when it goes tits up will you blame the real cuprits ie the owners no your record on this is poor thats why I say you need a scapegoat

  100. Well Jaimie, we aren't winning 5 out of 6 games are we? Who would dispute that your mom is a woman? You're just moving goalpost and try shifting away from the footballing aspects. You selectively chose to write about individuals (Johnson and King Kenny) as deep down you now we're in a horrible time.The truth hurts, I know. But you need to learn to accept and write responsibly.

    I remember you used to put up a lot of stats when Rafa was in charge to show how bad he was. Why not put up some of Roy's so far? You may also want to mention Roy's past records in other clubs.

    This is the worst start for our club since the 50's and Roy has only won twice (I think) away throughout the entire last season. Please put these up so that readers like us can make comparison. C'mon! STOP the hypocrisy!

  101. What a load of garbage if the funds where there to spend over the last couple of seasons they would have a better side.
    Better side better performances so yes is does come down to ownership, do not believe me ask the Man City fans they will tell you.

  102. Jamie,

    So let me get this straight... since there are so many nuances that we don't understand. First you state that for the last three transfer windows money has been restricted because benitez couldn't be trusted... what!!! if this is true then why the hell didn't H&G sack him and get a manager they did trust. I believe the reason they didn't is because they knew that any new manager would want transfer funds and H&G were not willing to provide them. 

    Now you argue (after having argued previously that there would be money to spend in the summer for the new manager) that no transfer funds have been made available to Hodgeson because the club is being taken over and they don't want to splash cash on players a new regime might not want. First off this is a ridiculous argument. If the board's decision to sack benitez was based on his poor transfer record and inability to motivate the team then the new manager must have some funds to fix the problems. Hodgeson appears to be a decent manager and yet again he was unable to sign a back up striker for torrez leaving the squad short of attacking options if Torres is out of form or injured.

    Your point on debt being a part of modern football is a good one but your comparison with Man U is a bit misleading. Man U are one of the most well run teams in the world. Since the start of the premiership over a decade ago their marketing and merchandising operations have ensured that they are highly profitable which is why despite nearly 800m of debt on the club they are able to easily service it from their revenue. That's why the red devils group were recently trying to buy them for 1.5bn. 

    I take your point on Alonso but you know what I don't really care. Who was Alonso untill Benitez signed him? he was well paid and ultimately Benitez made him into the player that then got him his move to RM. Before his brilliant last season for us you may rember that we offered him to a number of clubs such as liverpool and arsenal for 12m ad there were no takers! Furthermore even if Benitez had treated Alonso better that doesn't mean he wouldn't have wanted to go to Real Madrid when they came calling.

    Football players will always go where there is more money and prestige etc etc. At least we made a profit on him and the failure of Benitez was not to sign an adequate replacement. All managers get rid of players look at Ferguson (beckham, Stamm etc) the difference in Ferguson's case was that the board backed him so that he could get his first choice targets. I'm still not convinced that Benitez was consistently able to do that hence the number of bad buys as he lost his 1st choice and then had to go 2nd or 3rd. But ok even if we take your argument regarding Benitez being bad in the transfer market. Benitez is still a great tactician and coach so if you doubt his ability in the transfer market then why not bring in a head of football like what happens in italian and spanish leagues - somebody who could have helped benitez get the right players... Ironically this is the situation that Benitez now finds himself in at Inter Millan.

    As you state 4th place is a priority for LFC any yet with Man City again spending big in the summer and Totenham also buying a lot of players to not give Hodgeson the funds to compete seems like a nonsense particularly as an LFC that is in the CL is going to be more attractive for buyers...

  103. Maxi, Babel, Johnson, Poulson, Lucas, Ngog, Skrtl & Konchesky, for starters Bob.

  104. <p><span><span>v</span></span>

  105. <p> 
    </p><p><span><span>Jamie,  </span></span><span></span>
    <span>So for the last 3 transfer windows money has been restricted because Benitez couldn't be trusted... if this is true then why the hell didn't H&G sack him and get a manager they did trust. I believe the reason they didn't is because the board knew that any new manager would want massive transfer funds and H&G were not willing to provide them. </span></span></span><span></span></span>
    </p><p><span><span><span><span> </span></span><span>
    <span>Now you argue that no transfer funds have been made available to Hodgeson because the club is being taken over and they don't want to splash cash on players a new regime might not want.</span></span></span></span><span><span> </span></span><span><span><span>First off this is a ridiculous argument as who knows when the club will be sold! Second if the board's decision to sack benitez was based on his poor transfer record  then the new manager must have some funds to fix the problems. Hodgeson appears to be a decent manager and yet again he was unable to sign a back up striker for Torres after leaving the squad short of attacking options.</span></span></span><span></span>
    </p><p><span><span>Your point on debt being a part of modern football is a good one but Man U are one of the most well run teams in the world. Since the start of the premiership over a decade ago their marketing and merchandising operations have ensured that they are highly profitable which is why despite nearly 800m of debt on the club is easily serviced from their revenue.  LFC are in a totally different situation with owners who can't afford to repay the loans taken out to buy the club - creating unnecessary uncertainty and confidence crisis.</span></span>



  106. <p><span><span>You have also stated that you are disillusioned with over paid players who are not motivated...  so don't you think that maybe  Benitez felt the same way about Alonso who he felt was not playing as well as should be? </span></span><span></span>
    </p><p><span><span><span> </span></span></span><span></span>
    </p><p><span><span><span><span>RM for most Spanish players is the No1 club they all want to play for so I don't believe he would have turned them down even if Benitez hadn't tried to sell him. The only failure of Benitez was not to sign an adequate replacement. All managers get rid of players its just that  i</span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span>'m still not convinced that Benitez was consistently able to buy his 1st choice targets (and it appears that neither is Hodgeson) not necessarily always because of money but differing by Parry and others when doing transfers etc... hence the number of bad buys as he lost his 1st choice and then had to go 2nd or 3rd.</span></span></span></span>
    </p><p><span><span><span><span>But ok even if you believe Benitez was bad in the transfer market he is still a great tactician and coach so if you doubt his ability in the transfer market then why not bring in a head of football like what happens in italian and spanish leagues - somebody who could have helped him get the right players... Ironically this is the situation that Benitez is now in at Inter Milan.  </span></span></span></span><span>As you state 4th place is a priority for LFC and to not give Hodgeson the funds to compete seems a nonsense.</span>

  107. Maybe that Whopper Hodgson will get sacked when we suffer about 4 more defeats and 3 draws in the next 10 games.

  108. Well done. You've created an article that says you agree with something Kenny said in an interview, not even conducted by you. Whats the point?

  109. Its good to have you back,Jamie.Even tough im a manc i find your blog interesting and well-written.Keep up the good work.

  110. A good article in fact a great article in stark contrast to some of the misguided information I've read by Mr Kanwar previously. 

  111. palestine,dont know what map your using.

  112. http://www.liverpool-kop.com/2009/10/george-gillett-interview-did-it-really.html


    Pipe down you tedious little bellend.

  113. I repeat Jaimie Kanwar is a manc WUM and a cretin. Do yourself a favour if you're a genuine red - don't read his crap or waste your time commenting on it (even typing this on this site is a waste of 5 seconds of my life)



  114. Thank you for the kind words :)

  115. Get Dalglish in as manager!! Please!!!

